
Ubisoft staff in France strike over home working

Ubisoft staff in France strike over home working


  1. SignalGladYoung

    nobody will want to travel to work if they can wake up 8:55 login show they are online and go have a breakfast. not every company is monitoring staff. some have babies they take care of or second job also working from home. 

  2. because_iam_buttman

    I’m a contractor. I was once asked if I can spend time with the team because apparently I’m a good teacher.

    I went and calculated it. Cost of taxi back and forth. It takes time to get up early and prepare for the office. I have to transport food and prepare it in advance and that’s time too. Every day. I use more products when going out more often. I also can’t handle certain things while in office so it cost me more on that front too.

    I’ve calculated all that for every single day and I send corporate how much they would have to pay me to cover all that.

    They were OK with me occasionally dropping by when I’m in the area.

    Honestly – until people work fully from home they do not even consider how much going to office cost time and money they is not compensated.

  3. StonerTiger

    I bet workers in the home office didn’t use enough emojis in emails.

  4. sirspinster

    Yeah, let’s piss off the French. That’s worked *so* well before

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