
Made a lot of changes in the last few years and pretty happy where it’s at now, definitely can’t go back from the 3 monitor life. Also, I love Purdue!

Made a lot of changes in the last few years and pretty happy where it’s at now, definitely can’t go back from the 3 monitor life. Also, I love Purdue!

by TheRealJaluvshuskies


  1. TheRealJaluvshuskies

    [Link to full album](

    If it’s not obvious, I’m a diehard Boilermaker fan, so I go with black/gold/white colors as my theme for most things. It was tricky to accurately capture the gold I want (lighter side) from a phone camera, but it’s pretty close to the lamp color in these shots

    I would also love more wallpapers, but it’s been tricky to find one high quality enough, in my theme, that spans well across this arrangement (~7k x ~4k?)

    Monitor arrangement possibly looks odd for lining up, but with 2 stacked and a vertical, it really only all lines up when sitting down & none of the screens are blocked. For those curious, the position and angle of the top monitor doesn’t give me any neck or eye strain, especially when resting my head on my headrest, and my line of eyesight on the main monitor is slightly down

    I eventually want to replace the fairy tree since it doesn’t really seem to fit the theme, maybe get some more greenery, maybe add 3 vertical posters above the tower (monitor-facing side) and I want a pegboard above the fairy tree but don’t have an ikea near us. Welcoming all suggestions and ideas 🙂

  2. Lawfulness4350

    Getting them cozy vibes from this setup.

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