Ubisoft keeps up the good work!

Ubisoft keeps up the good work!


  1. PooeyPatoeei

    dare you to post in any ubisoft subreddit.

  2. Bare-hand-punching stormtroopers into submission doesn’t make sense to me. Regardless of gender, that has to hurt… unless the armour is made from shiny plastics like they have at Disney land?

  3. It’s no RDR2, but I had a lot of fun in Outlaws..

  4. Mowsferatu

    Honestly two games doing very different things. One is a cowboy game where hunting is emphasized. The other is Star Wars.

  5. Sudden-Anybody-6677

    The result when you stop hiring people based on skill and experience.

  6. _Synt3rax

    The Animations and everything around them are annoying as fuck in RDR2.

  7. Just look at the farcry games. It’s the same shit in a different setting

  8. Melodic_Slip_3307

    like ubisoft games have this tang right… i can smell a ubisoft game from the look and feel alone. the company needs serious help

  9. SpaxterJ

    Rockstar might be one of the worst Multiplayer developers, but it’s one of the few big companies i still trust in making really good AAA, SP games with high quality.

  10. SecretInfluencer

    Oh wow another fucking post about how RDR2 is the only good game ever made. How no game can be fucking good since RDR2 exists…

  11. Titanusgamer

    Ubisoft is an indie studio dont compare with Rockstar which is a multi billion dollar company

  12. yo1peresete

    I didn’t play outflops, but I’m pretty aure even that one is more entertaining than horse balls simulator 2.

    Honestly some game straight don’t give a shit about your time, and RDR2 is the worst example of this. Whole game you just riding to destination, and some times you shoot (shooting is VERY basic, any 00s game will be more advanced). Story also disappointed me, it’s just mediocre, certainly not what I wanted to see after forcing myself playing this crap.

    Honestly both developers on same road, one is already used all it’s hype so it can’t scam people as effectively, other one didn’t produce enough crap to make it noticeable for avg Joe.

  13. InsaneInTheDrain

    Isn’t that bear encounter a scripted QuickTime event/cutscene?

  14. Casterial

    Ubisoft needs to wake up and realize their open world games usually aren’t it. I don’t think I’ve beat a single one, except Avatar.

    Usually I lose interest. Sadly, they’ll keep pumping out these “open world” games because their assassins creed and far cry series got lucky with a few titles.

  15. Empty-Pie6147

    MaYbE yOuR eXpEcTaTiOnS sHoUlDn’T bE sO hIgH

  16. Lashesshortcurvy

    Comparing a game to RDR2 never ends well…for the game being compared to RDR2.

  17. BrunoGoldbergFerro

    Realism is ruining the gaming industry

  18. CasperBirb

    Star Wars Outlaws more realistic than HyperRealisticUltraDetailed Game II™ lol

    You definitely would die in one shot from a bear.
    Another L for the R*.

  19. Not fair to compare to rdr2, any game would lose

  20. yeahhhhhh uh most games don’t have intricate animations for being mauled by animals, even games you guys would praise lmao.

    I don’t really have a stake cus I havent played either of these games but come the fuck on LMAO

  21. theroguex

    I mean, Star Wars isn’t meant to be a brutal, gory, gritty game. Yeah this looks silly but you can’t compare them.

  22. NovaPrime2285

    The fact that people out there were defending Outlaws all that time is utterly embarrassing now with it’s release and we can pick through it.

    Ubisoft is fucking trash man.

  23. Do you use your left or right hand when jerking off the person next to you? This is some desperate stuff.

  24. _Chevleon

    Just gonna shamelessly state. That Facepunch is about to have better AI than Ubisoft. Let that sink in.

  25. ChrisOfThunder

    Two different games with different goals made by different developers. Regardless of the view of either game this is a false equivalent.

  26. Guys-This-Is-Ethan

    Rockstar spent 8 years making RDR2.

    From what I’ve read, Ubisoft spent 4 on Outlaws.

    Rockstar could make a fun Outlaws, but Ubisoft could never make a fun Read Dead. Even with all the time in the world; they’d just force a cash shop mechanic into a hollow world and call it a day.

  27. 20ldF0rThis

    i stopped buying AC games when it became obvious they were literally a reskin of the previous one.

  28. Explosive_Eggshells

    Why are we expecting every game to have the same level of detail as RDR2 again?

    People will simultaneously chastise games for overspending in their budgets and then get mad when there isn’t shit like this in the game

  29. GalaxyPowderedCat

    Why does it give me vibes of 2000s or early 2010s death animation?

  30. trevorious_sr

    Tbf, no other game has reached the same level of depth, immersion, and quality in open world gaming as RDR2.

  31. Ay0Toky0

    Ubisoft is only good for two things. Division and Ghost recon. Keep making those games or close the studio lol cause every single game other than these is always garbage imo.

  32. mohamed941

    rdr2 mimics real life, if you encounter an enraged bear you’re cooked,I remember I tried to run away from one once but it was much faster than me and I died

  33. Mh.

    8 years of dev VS 4 Years
    Owned licence VS Disney product Specification
    Huge invested team VS mutliple projects devs

    Ubisoft have shitty human and resources management and Star Wars Outlaws wasn’t good as excepted. But compare a non-owned product with halve the time and the human work to RDR2 is stupid. Then, video games are an art eaten away by industrial commercialism, and RDR2 doesn’t escape. In 8 years of dev, there’s 8 years of crunch…

    Nothing is only good or only bad. It’s only shade of gray. There is reasons and decisions in every step. Outlaws is not a good game, but RDR2 was a nightmare.

  34. Connect_Ad_462

    For a fair amount of gamers watching this for the first time. The thought process is typically around this: Graphics… definitely a difference. The bear is an animation but when you get control back fire back, aim for head shots, if time permits, if not panic fire, focus on any food or health items.

    Outlaw: Okay, graphics are good. Don’t really see a weapon in-hand. The creature looks tiger-like so running isn’t the first viable option. (Cat-thing uses spin attack). Okay… it has ranged damage but looks limited so…. just going to run up and take a swing at it? <— this is where ya lost me. Unless y’all pull out a sabre of light, meow wins.

  35. Raptor_Jetpack

    different games have different focuses wow who woulda thunk

  36. Srefanius

    The budgets for these two games are very likely vastly different. Putting a year on it does not really matter.

  37. blankertboy12

    H hate quick time events with a passion.

  38. Sensitive_Froyo_2850

    This star wars game is pure money grab thats all. Zero details.

  39. We just need Witcher 3 but in a Star Wars setting. How hard can it be?

  40. _nobody_else_

    You can’t compare the 2. One is the run-of-the-mill objective based game and in the other one some dev created a (horse) script where if the horse is male, its balls shrink in cold weather.

  41. poseidon1111

    You know what last Ubisoft game I genuinely enjoyed?

    Mighty Quest.

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