
Thought this would never happen to me.

Thought this would never happen to me.


  1. csier217

    Take a break! I didn’t play games for at least 10 years when I went to college. Now at 32 with a family I got into playing Switch and I’ve been enjoying it a lot.


    With all the consoles I own and a nice pc, I have found that playing games on the switch has become my new normal with my kiddo. I like to lay in bed and game a bit before bed or when we’re all watching sports in the living room. I don’t give a damn about graphics as I grew up with a NES lol.

  3. Iwritemynameincrayon

    This calls for more video games. Buy games on steam and never play them, then buy more until you feel like you should at least try one of them and force yourself to get through the first 5 minutes. After that it’s smooth sailing.

  4. NetherReign

    It happens to me occasionally. Big thing is to take breaks and for the love of God try/play different games. I love FF14 but for the betterment of my entertainment, I have to take a week or 2 off from it here and there. If I don’t I end up not touching games for months.

  5. njean777

    Take a break, go do something else. You can always come back and play when you find interest again.

  6. greywolfau

    Try some different genres.

    If you are younger than 40 and didn’t game from a young age/ on PC, you might not have played a large variety of games beyond fps/tps, racing and console rpgs.

    There is such a great array of gameplay out there, that doesn’t rely on twitch reflexes and mastering maps that there could be something that triggers your interest.

    My current two long term games I’ve been playing regularly has been Car Mechanic Simulator 2021 and Slay the Spire.

    Both currently on Gamepass so cheap as chips to play.

  7. IamNotHappyAnymoreM8

    Same. Bought GT7 and SF6 a month ago and played both for around 4 hours and uninstalled them. All I’m looking forward to is MGS Delta and Kingdom Come 2. Last games I’ll buy this generation. Been gaming for a loooong time though and just feel like it’s mostly all the same shit that I’ve played before.

  8. jmpstart66

    Don’t stress it. We all go through waves.

  9. Take a break, and find smaller better games. Avoid AAA

  10. ReptilianLaserbeam

    I stopped playing video games for like 6 years. Then fromsoftware released elden ring and I played the shit out of that game, gathered all the trophies and put hundreds of hours into it. Just wait for the right game to come back.

  11. Bobby837

    Given industry focus on online and subscriptions, tailoring games towards addictiveness with spreadsheet gameplay, hardly surprising.

  12. brokenwrath

    Play Spec Ops: The Line to decisively make that decision.

  13. Take a break, discover a new hobby, maybe don’t game basically 24/7 and the burnout won’t be as intense/drawn out

  14. OmniscientApizza

    There is really no reason you need to play video games. Don’t sweat it.

  15. DooDooGuy2

    Play Dead By Daylight as the Killer if you want to lose interest faster.

  16. Pizzasexworker

    Have you tried playing video games… ON WEED?

  17. BackToThePunk

    MGS3 Remake is gonna revive your gaming fire 🔥

  18. It would probably be more unusual if you never changed in any way over the years: things come and go, even interests.

  19. Same here. Now I only interested in coop games that I can play with my friends. Feel like a chore to play single player games

  20. roldwing

    i find that adding friends help, so you down for dungeoneering in runescape or some tf2 or deep rock galactic?

  21. chronicwisdom

    If you’re losing interest in other hobbies it might be a sign of depression.

  22. Mr_mcdiggers

    If the problem is not enjoying the games you have been playing, exploring other platforms like console, PC or mobile, or even looking up games from the past that you didn’t know exist that look like fun might be the solution.

    But if the issue is just not enjoying gaming in general, there’s nothing wrong with exploring other hobbies. Gaming is a hobby. If it’s treated as anything other than that, it’s probably an unhealthy thing. There are hundreds of hobbies to choose from. Just need to do a little research and see what appeals to you.

  23. ArmyOfDix

    I haven’t lost interest in video games.

    It’s just that 90% or more of the stuff that gets released is for a different target audience, or is just all-around shit.

  24. Indian_Bob

    Perfectly normal. Like other people said, take a break from playing. Make more time for other hobbies. If you don’t feel any desire to do anything you enjoy, maybe you should go see a professional and make sure you’re doing alright mentally.

  25. 166Donk3y

    i haven’t lost interest in games, I’ve lost interest in the trash that’s been coming out the past few years, we should have multiple bangers coming out every year or 2, instead we get that one glorious game once every 3 years

  26. 69WaysToFuck

    I also thought that at some point around 28yo. Was not true 😂 It was just a fatigue

  27. DeathMonkey6969

    Are you tired of games or tired of the type of games you’re playing.

  28. Chaos-Seed

    Happened to me a bunch of times. It always comes back.

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