I mean, it is, but I know some probably don’t care



  1. Relevant_One_2261

    It isn’t, and also if you didn’t buy the rights to the thing you can’t really complain that you don’t have the rights to the thing.

  2. 00Killertr

    I am seriously tired of this argument.

    There is NO and I repeat NO need to justify piracy.

    Pirate what you want when you want and move on. Don’t need to tell people your moral high ground. Everyone understands it’s illegal so just shut up and do it!

  3. Illustrious-Run3591

    Piracy isn’t stealing because it’s a victimless crime. If you steal a car, then the owner loses it. Copying data isn’t the same as stealing.

    I wouldn’t steal a car, but I’d sure as heck download one.

  4. XxasimxX

    Either stop trying to push physical items(or drm free software) to extinction for licenses that can be taken away without a refund(and are generally more expensive) or stop complaining about people pirating

  5. BrokenInsideF0rever

    I for one am tired of the monetization of every aspect of our lives. Turning everything into a subscription means that nothing is an investment, it’s rent. I say we need to start pushing back. Hurt them where it counts, their wallet. Set sail for the high seas!

  6. OneSexySquigga

    Nice post, Ubisoft’s sock puppet account!

  7. Dwn_Wth_Vwls

    This really only makes sense if you buy it and then pirate it.

  8. DeathRidesWithArmor

    That you’re purchasing a license to use the software isn’t really a point of contention. The controversial part that need to be resolved is the disproportionate leverage that the publishers have been allowed to get away with. The exchange of money for a video game has always been understood to include permanent ownership of the license to play it as if it was a physical good, so publishers should not be allowed to just revoke it without compensating you.

  9. fsbagent420

    I cAn gO sTeaL FrUit FrOm tHe mArkEt. iT iS a VicTemLesS CrImE. I WaSnT GoINg tO bUy iT aNyWAy, aNd iTs jUst a ClOne oF tHe rEst.

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