Cities: Skylines 2 publisher says players “have higher expectations” today and are “less accepting” that games will “fix things over time”

Cities: Skylines 2 publisher says players “have higher expectations” today and are “less accepting” that games will “fix things over time”


  1. StrangeCharmVote

    Releasing unfinished products shouldn’t be a normalised practice. I’m honestly amazed and embarrassed that people put up with it for as long as they did.
    Some of it may be that you’ve burned through the good will and trust they used to have.
    Maybe all of the games coming out also being predatory, overpriced, and full of virtue signalling, is leading people to re-evaluate if they want to waste their hard earned money on your bullshit.

  2. twinks-are-vitamins


  3. DarkAlatreon

    Publishers should curb their expectations and be more accepting that their games will be bought on sale a year or two after release if that’s their angle.

  4. GodofcheeseSWE

    It’s expected that a product is working when sold.

  5. indialexjones

    “less accepting” that games will “fix things over time”

    Because they shouldn’t have to be fixed over time, a decade ago every single game launch was playable and feature rich from the moment you popped the disc in or installed it. Game devs got lazy and have been suffering the consequences because of it the past few years.

  6. MagicZhang

    Shouldn’t a game without major problems just be the default? It’s been like that for the past 20 years. We didn’t used to need day-one patches or wait months for fixes. They won’t admit standards have dropped and they’re now just gaslighting the player

  7. Thanangard

    Oh I had faith that they would fix it over time. Then I would have bought it. But to me it seems like it’s still not worth buying over the first game that I already own.

  8. We don’t have higher expectations, you are just underdelivering and expecting us to beta test games for you. It should never be the normal.

  9. opiarmus

    What are they talking about?! Back in the day you bought a hardcopy of a game and that was it. That thing had to work because there was no way to update. Then came the digital pipeline with the option to patch a game if it was broken but the expectation was always that it would be finished at release (not talking about early access; live service games etc.). Publishers are lowering the standards constantly but there was never a time where the customers accepted that. Expectations have never been lower.

  10. 7Techn07

    Maybe I will buy it “over time”, maybe not

  11. First-Junket124

    It’s just a puff piece to be honest. Meant to make them look like they’ve looked inwards to fix internal issues by just stating the obvious but also admitting to it and saying they understand how to move forward.

  12. TheWinterNights

    The customer has always had the same expectation – to be entertained and have a good time.

    There is so many examples of games and products being released that are broken or have issues that people still loved and bought it isn’t even funny.

    Yes if your game or product misses the mark, those issues won’t help, and yes if it is completely game breaking or does crazy stuff like BSOD your machine and the like that is an issue, but you are not going to argue your way out of releasing a so called version 2 of a game that has way less features than the first one, with no major improvements and not listening to the years long input and feedback you got on what the customer wants.

    Also do not try to sell the idea of cutting time and content out of the product to upsell as DLC as “fix things over time” – that is just being greedy and the people notice it.

  13. GamingRobioto

    So out of touch, it’s unbelievable. Why do these studios always blame the gamers? We are your customers, it’s your job to provide a product that is good enough for us to buy and enjoy. An unfinished, broken game is not, and never should be acceptable. There’s no hope if this is what they think.


    “Corporate cunt says players…” FTFY

  15. Huh? Back in the day when games were shipped on disc or cartridge a game *had* to be finished as there was no way to patch them. This is a poor excuse.

  16. authorizedscott

    “Have higher expectations” = *Will buy it 1-2 years later on sale when it matches my expectations (i.e. when it’s actually in a finished state like games used to be)*

    “less accepting” = *you’re fucking right. We are less accepting when we used to get finished games on Day One.*

    If we are expected to accept that video games aren’t in a completed state at release, then the publishers need to accept that we also aren’t willing to pay $70+ for an incomplete game.

    Fuck late-stage capitalism and the investor class. Ugh. Profits have ruined some truly great developers and publishers. So glad there are more indie devs making quality content in the present day.

  17. morbihann

    Is having a working product the way it was shown high expectations ? I guess, given what shit has been shoveled our way.

    Part of the blame is on us, and especially the die hard rabid fans that preorder anything with the right brand on it. CS2 in particular, the sub was downvoting anyone suggesting to take caution and god forbid you express doubts of the product prior to launch .

  18. igoticecream

    Imagine buying a car that needs to be fixed overtime. “Take your car, come back in 6 months for the shock absorber and the windshield”

  19. splendiferous-finch_


  20. WaitEffective1

    Imagine applying this kind of logic to any other commercial product, it’s insane

    Ok now pay full price for this jacket, what’s that? The buttons are missing? Don’t worry buddy you can come in in a few months and we are giving them to you

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