Cyberpunk 2077

Part 3: Which cyberware would you want in real life?

Assume no maintenance and all cyberware is installed by Vik


  1. Faceless_Deviant

    Kiroshis, bionic joints and something with the digestive system.

    I sit a lot and read too much, and my diets pretty bad 😛

  2. NCC_1701E

    Artificial liver that is resistant to alcohol damage. Also thinking about it, also lungs and sedond heart.

  3. antilumin

    A new spine, something a lot stronger so mine would stop hurting all the time. Anything else would be a cherry on top.

  4. forcallaghan

    Just give me the full lizzy wizzy/adam smasher treatment

  5. LongjumpingCod30

    Kiroshi optics, hormone regulators, behavioural imprint faceplate, mantis blades, pain editor. Yeah I’d stuff myself with chrome like a pinata.

  6. Sea-Discussion-1923

    Firstly I’m gonna replace my joints, cuz every time I move now, they making sounds lol

  7. EnceladusSc2

    The dick Cyberware. That would solve like 90% of my life’s problems, lmao

  8. MehmetHc


    İt’s abvious and it might make me cyberpsycho but my choice doesn’t change

  9. Cal_PCGW

    Kiroshis (always short sighted – laser surgery worked for a few years but they regressed a bit and now I am old I also have floaters and need reading glasses). Phonic implant (tinnitus, and not the fun Maelstrom band). Reinforced tendons because menopause has left me with hip and rotator cuff issues that cause me constant discomfort. Maybe a pain editor too. I’m not sure about the whole faceplate conversion thing but I’d certainly be up for whatever anti-ageing stuff Kerry and Rogue use. I don’t need to look 25 but I’d like to not look sad and grumpy due to the way gravity is tugging at my face these days.

  10. Lonk-the-Sane

    Legs and eyes. Don’t even need high end, just to get rid of glasses, and old door/knee injuries

  11. Tylenol187ForDogs

    Kiroshis, Tetratronic Rippler and a monowire.

  12. Stroppone

    Assuming also no risk of cyberpsychosis, I’d get gorilla arms, a Sandevistan, a new set of lungs, a secondary heart, the double jump legs (or maybe a fart propeller), and Kiroshis. This is the bare minimum

  13. tomboy_knight

    Kiroshi™ Optics, reinforced tendons, Midnight Lady™

  14. Common-Challenge-555

    The ankles that allow you to do the Bionic Man/Wonder Woman jump.

  15. I’d go full borg or as close as possible to be one.

  16. Historical-Method-27

    Kiroshis tbh. Imagine your eyes never getting tired ever again, plus you get cool UI and shit. This is assuming that Im rich enough to afford them coz otherwise I dont wanna see ads 24/7 lol.

  17. All of it. Not only would I rather have all of it, I kinda need to since actual physics indicates you can’t have things like Fortified Ankles and Gorilla Arms in isolation; you need the rest of your body to be just as durable.

  18. Dismal-Infection

    Definitely the Kiroshi Optics. As a person with terrible eyesight, it would be a nice change. Mantis blades would be kinda cool, too

  19. ArasakaApart

    As I have pectus, I’d really like a Epimorphic Skeleton or at least the sternum part of it.

  20. Duck_signer

    Gorilla arms. Not as powerful as in Cyberpunk but it would be great for work. Also a new spine so I can carry the weight

  21. Mary_Ellen_Katz

    Screw cyberware, biosculpt me, baby! I want the full treatment. 😎

  22. LyreonUr

    You guys have no idea how much I’d Trans my gender all the time, always wanted to know what having an amigdala and uvula felt like. oh man, imagine having a very large small intestine

  23. Sir_Davros_Ty

    Replace my borked immune system, inflamed nervous system/brain & my fucked respiratory muscles. Just give me the full Adam Smasher!

  24. Shmokegastilidie

    New lungs and any netrunner cyberdeck, I have asthma and I smoke weed so new lungs would be awesome and making anyone who tries to rob threaten or kill you commit suicide on command would be cool or frying their brains with synapse burnout.

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