
Nearly 30 years later, I beat Yoshi’s Cookie.

I remember renting this when I was a kid. My brother and I couldn't figure it out/weren't good at it/got bored. My mom ended up loving it and played it the whole weekend.

When the 64 came out, she stopped playing with us because the 3D made her sick.

This and Super Mario World are the 2 games that remind me of her, and though she'd call me a cheater for using save states, she'd probably like that I beat it after all these years.


  1. sillypoolfacemonster

    Woah there, let’s keep this subreddit PG

  2. jaywinner

    I get it. I beat Gradius decades after first playing it.

  3. never was a fan of the “try to make this a major new player” yoshi

  4. Lawfulness4350

    Congrats. I had the Gameboy version. I think I still have it somewhere. Never beat it though.

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