
Does anyone know if there’s a spiritual successor to Kane and Lynch 2 ?

God I loved this game. All of the little details like the cameraman 3rd person, the way it censored head shots like a news clip, or how guns you bought in the online multi-player had cable locks like a gun show. So many games feel too similar lately. This game you could almost smell, super visceral, gross. It made gunfight feel sloppy and panick inducing. Max Payne 3 was the next closest thing, but it's not the same.


  1. Correct_End_6461

    I wish I could play these on my PC. Both are unplayable on my hardware both times I’ve tried to play them. Makes me sad because I really want to try them out, suppose I’ll have to get physical on 360.

  2. DripRoast

    The found footage concept has been done by a handful of indie horror walking simulator type games. I can’t think of another shooter. There’s a police bodycam one on steam I think. Can’t remove the name.

    As far as the specific style goes, K&L2 was really a product of its time though. Digital camera tech has come a long way in the past decade and a half. The liveleak low bitrate artifacty look doesn’t make sense anymore. Even the most morbid shit you can find is clear as day.

  3. Well, I did not enjoy this one.
    The presentation is indeed fantastic.
    The handheld camera, the chromatic aberration and broadcast-style censoring really gives the WOW factor.
    But the story felt quite disjointed and gameplay was not for my taste.
    Characters got a bit anoying quite fast too.

    But I guess you may be looking for the game “**Bodycam**” that has a somewhat similar presentation but it’s an FPS.

  4. Axxin4AFriend

    I can’t get anyone to up vote my comments. Please help me. Thanks.

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