[COD] In your head canon what happened to Price after he killed Makarov ?

[COD] In your head canon what happened to Price after he killed Makarov ?


  1. Cheesegorrila

    Arrested and charged with many many many counts of crimes, they were operating in the black for a long time.

  2. Tricky_Ad_945

    I always thought he died of his injuries after that fall

  3. RetroTim9

    Honestly, i always thought that Price died here. His final goal was achieved, as he avenged all his fallen friends and allies, so the only thing left for him to do is take his one last puff

  4. ginger2020

    My head canon is that he is held in jail for a while, but Macmillan pulls some strings with diplomats to secure his release. He goes into Soap’s hometown in Scotland to visit his grave. He then decides that he’s done as a soldier, and walks off into retirement

  5. MrPriggles101

    Honesty, I think Captain Price does di here, but in peace knowing that he avenged his fallen allies.

  6. Pluser01

    There’s a cut out ending in which, a man comes out from one of the rooms, looks at Price, then walks away. Price takes a blow from his cigar, then his head moves to his shoulder, probably indicating that he died. Other than that he just fell through a glass roof, so he probably bled out, and all of his squad mates died (iirc) so I think the “right” ending should’ve been that he dies too.

  7. DaWizzurd

    In my head he gets up, flicks the cigar at makarov and then dips

  8. Mr__Monotone

    He just, disappeared. When you think about it, 141 was *basically* a black ops team, that was then disavowed, but kept operating. I mean, thats some serious international law breaking. This tied with the fact that 141 is still seen as the *bad guys* for killing Shepard, I doubt that he would even show his face around for a long time. 141 “teamed up” with Metal towards the end of the game, but 141 technically wasn’t there. Throughout the all the cutscenes, Sandman kept referring to, and hinting at 141 as an asset, and source, rather than them being an actual coalition or friendly force of any kind.

    In a cutscene they mentioned that Price and the others had a, well, price…on their heads. Say he sticks his head out into the world, and goes to Hereford: He gets whatever the British version of a Courts Marshal is, because he still committed a very…large amount of crimes, but then who is there to really back him up? Metal? not anymore; Makarov? not anymore; I mean not even people from the 141, because there are none. Its just our Captain left.

    At the end of the day, I’m pretty sure Price just went off the grid and kept kicking elsewhere. Like, spy type shit.

  9. UncoolSlicedBread

    He wakes up, confused as it’s 2019, as he’s on a little bird about to rescue a foreign freedom fighter named Farah Karim. It was all so real, he was there but it was a dream.

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