Call of Duty: Zombies

For some reason this keeper is collecting souls. He did earlier near Dempsey’s body but when he came here he just stopped. Is there a way to get him to start?

For some reason this keeper is collecting souls. He did earlier near Dempsey’s body but when he came here he just stopped. Is there a way to get him to start?


  1. skananathesanana

    I swear if this is how I’m stopped in the Easter egg that’s really shitty

  2. Hadi77KSA

    Based on the colour of the outline of the screen, the keeper is requiring kills from the Fire Bow. Are you playing offline or in a non-ranked private match?

  3. Hyperion_Forever

    Look at the edge of the screen. See that color? That correlates to the bow you need to be using. Don’t use the right bow? No souls will be collected.

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