
Upcoming Splinter Cell Remake Concept Art shared by Ubisoft

Upcoming Splinter Cell Remake Concept Art shared by Ubisoft


  1. milyuno2

    Obviously an early concept, because you cant see the textures buging, like is required by bugisoft…

  2. WinterSpiritual4117

    Metal Gear, now Spilnter Cell? Stealth remakes season?

  3. Liamario

    Fake, not enough screen tearing. I would expect to look more like an assassins creed reskin.

  4. Bored_Gamer73

    Turd incoming. No faith in anything they own. Sadly they have some good IPs.

  5. ben06cinci

    Can’t wait to see how bad that one fails

  6. I hope they’re sticking to the 2004 asthetics, but I’ve lost my faith Ubisoft a long time ago

  7. Charming_Wrap_2435

    cant wait to swing through the air as a wheelchair agent. /s

  8. AidilAfham42

    Just remake old Rainbow Six and old Ghost Recon 1 and I’ll gladly not-own those games

  9. Van_core_gamer

    It seems to me that the concept of a splinter cell is already pretty much established. What does this art conceptualise? Guys with guns and dude in skintight suit in the shadows?

  10. trappedinabasemant

    What use is concept art on a remake?

    We already know the finished product.

  11. Slyzappy1

    Until this game is in my hands, I’m just assuming it’s vaporware at this point 🥲

  12. elsenorevil

    Loved SC on Xbox.

    Ubisoft’s launcher soured me long ago.  They can go away quietly…been over 10 years since I bought anything by them.  SC release won’t change this.  

  13. BigLogieBear

    Tencent will be turning Splinter Cell into a mobile gacha game before this actually comes to fruition.

  14. Serahiel

    Can’t wait for Ubisoft stating that Sam Fisher is Gei

  15. mercutiouk

    Too late to save them, I’m afraid. They ruined themselves.

  16. Interesting_Stress73

    I don’t trust Ubisoft executives one bit. They will absolutely fuck this one up royally. To be clear, I know they’ve got some really talented developers. There are glimpses of brilliance in almost every one of their games that I’ve played, but it’s just that nowadays. Glimpses. You can see how there could have been a great game there, you can see what someone has been thinking, but then you see that there’s a layer of shit that the executives have forced upon the project…

  17. SquidwardsJewishNose

    It’s hilarious to see how Ubisoft needed to go into financial crisis to bother making a new game for this IP, even after fans have been requesting it for years, I have zero faith in Ubisoft and these ‘concept images’ just seem desperate.

  18. I loved the Splinter Cell series but I have no trust and hope on Ubisoft.

  19. VioletKatie01

    Is it just me or is something off about the way the guy on the right is holding his gun

  20. Behold_I_Am_The_Wind

    So will it be delayed to hell like the Prince of Persia remake?

  21. hsrhbdch

    I loved splinyer cell on PS2, so many memories playing it. The prison break on double agent was so good and the graphics were impressive for that time. For a game releases in 2006, it looks like games coming out now almost 20 years later. wish they would bring something like that back!

  22. Ubisoft. If there’s one thing you shouldn’t fuck up is this..


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