If you guys actually want change this is how you start…

If you guys actually want change this is how you start…


  1. zufaelligenummern

    These losers on thr subreddit advocating for false reviews or emails bombing gaben need to go outside and touch some grass

  2. Shiroyaksha19

    Didn’t buy the battlepass, Don’t spend all day on CS, I liked the new graphics and smokes, gameplay feels fine to me, I’m not a faceit 10 sweatlord, I’m a happy Casual, What do I do?

  3. CowIcy20

    grass touching would be a better use of time then complaning

  4. Wunderwaffe_cz

    Impossible, cant switch my negative reviews to even more negative…

  5. Linhle8964

    The reviews prove that this subreddit is just a vocal minority.

  6. Substantial-Stick-44

    Airstrike incoming….negative bombs…most devastating for devs

  7. Creeper2daknee

    If you don’t like the game give an honest review and fuck off you don’t need to pander like a fucking child for everyone else to throw a tantrum with you

  8. After playing h the is game for close to 20 years I feel it’s in the worse position it’s ever been, I’ve decided to stop playing

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