inspired by a recent conversation with a friend who has 7 active monitors

inspired by a recent conversation with a friend who has 7 active monitors


  1. Electrical-Okra7242

    7 monitors is crazy, what is he doing?

  2. How does your friend even have the space for 7 monitors? I barely made two fit on my desk

  3. Explodedhurdle

    I feel like extra monitors give you diminishing returns after 2. Sure you might be able to use a third one but I find that it’s more work looking around when you could just alt tab or not need so much information all the time. I’m sure there is very specific use cases people have for a lot of monitors but most of the time it’s just hurting them more than they realize for 90% of people.

  4. Laidback_Soul

    How much porn can you watch with only 2 eyes??!

  5. Wow. This meme feels really specifically targeted at me. I’ve a dual monitor setup that is two windows PCs linked with MouseWithoutBorders. Lmao

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