
Ubisoft CEO Blames Gamers After Poor Sales of Star Wars Outlaws 

Ubisoft CEO Blames Gamers After Poor Sales of Star Wars Outlaws 


  1. ZeroEightValk

    “this game is not for you”

    > doesn’t buy the game

    “how could you do this to me?”

  2. “We used to just be able to reskin and resell and then add in microtransactions and a battle pass and make big money, but these damn entitled gamers all of a sudden want a quality product!”

    Poor CEOs. Life is so tough.

  3. Sharktoothdecay

    Boo hoo

    go cry in your million dollar mansion

  4. Well, I guess it is *technically* the fault of gamers for not always buying The Extremely Boring and Painfully Mediocre Ubisoft Sandbox. But, you know, don’t use that to make games that are actually good, creative, artistically driven, and fun to play. Those “extraordinary expectations” of wanting a game that is both finished *and* fun simply aren’t attainable.

  5. Maximus707

    He’s hardly blaming gamers, the quote is:
    “In today’s challenging market and with gamers expecting extraordinary experiences, delivering solid quality is no longer enough.”
    These article titles are so disingenuous

  6. Yeah, we chose not to buy your shitty product. That’s how a market works.

  7. Was this more like

    >”Get used to not owning your games.”

    >”Get used to me not buying your games.”

    or was it like

    >”If you don’t like it, don’t buy it.”

    >”Okay, I won’t.”

    or maybe it was

    >”This game is not for you.”

    >”Sure, no problem.”

    Can’t quite put my finger on it.

  8. LilStrug

    Publishers are not entitled to our money. Make better games!

  9. undersquirl

    What a bunch of fucking bullshit! He’s clearly saying that they have to do better not blaming anyone, jesus christ… and everyone is gonna eat this shit up.

    Fuck right off.

  10. pink_sock_parade

    We’re sorry Baldurs Gate 3 raised the bar and as good as Far Cry 3 was it was also 12 years ago and you need to update your gameplay mechanics.

  11. Blacksad9999

    Hey, another nonsense “article” (and I use that term as loosely as possible) from Tech4gamers, the worst gaming website on the internet.

    The guy wasn’t “blaming gamers”, and the headline is bullshit.

    >In today’s challenging market and with gamers expecting extraordinary experiences, delivering solid quality is no longer enough.

    That’s not “blaming gamers.” That’s saying you need to go above and beyond.

    The quote is in reference to their plans moving forward after revenue is in a slump.

  12. BrockMiddlebrook

    Make shit worth buying and we’ll buy your shit.

  13. Can we rename this sub to gamingcirclejerk since no one reads the articles and it’s just a bunch of headline tabloid bullshit?

  14. allangod

    I still maintain that the Ubisoft brand being in the dirt is why this game didn’t sell well. Anybody else, and it would’ve sold well. It’s a decent game, but with the Ubisoft name behind a game, it’s already fighting an uphill battle.

  15. This is at least the 3rd or 4th time I’ve seen this reported, and still it’s not an accurate representation of what he actually said. Good lord, gamers love to spend more time complaining about shit that doesn’t matter rather than actually playing and enjoying games.

  16. kkenymc7877

    I truly don’t want Ubisoft to fail, I want them to be an epic comeback story where we all look back at this time as a bad memory but they have WORK to do, they have to completely redefine who they are as a studio and that starts at the top, we need change

  17. Lightmanone

    I was exciting for the game. Told myself: if this game has 1 or 2 minor bugs, I am okay with that, and I’ll buy it.

    Then the reviews came out, with a special sections how buggy the game was.
    So fine, then I will get it when the game runs way better, probably around black friday, when I will get it at a huge discount. If this game doesn’t have a huge discount, i’ll move on to other games.
    You did this yourself. If the game came out, like first party nintendo games do, you would have made a sale. But i am tired of getting early-access like games for full price, and then have a ROADMAP of fixing bugs. No. You don’t release a game till it’s ready.
    This is on you, not a gamers. Make a proper product. Not one that is hold together with tape.

  18. Separate_Emu7365

    Well, the exact quote is

    >In today’s challenging market and with gamers expecting extraordinary experiences, delivering solid quality is no longer enough

    I am not the most ardent defender of Ubisoft and it’s policies, but that’s a bit of a stretch to say that he is blaming gamers.

  19. Sundance12

    Alright c’mon now, he’s saying players have higher standards now, and implies they should’ve made the game better to meet that. “Blame” is a stretch here for rage bait.

  20. Cryptshadow

    These articles and post are getting very rage beauty because the quote is taken out of context. 

  21. Its fascinating to me that the official gaming subreddits loves this stupid clickbait drama more than actual videogames it seems.

  22. Crafty_Equipment1857

    and thats why they will continue to fail. No one is to blame but the stock holders. People can continue to shove this forced shit down our throats and not complete games and pretending its done all they want. They will continue to lose billions.

  23. No_Bit_3897

    I used to like this company, this is sad.
    But necessary, go bankrupt please.

  24. Jonny2284

    Nothing like what he said, but hey you do you and let your agenda hang out freely.

  25. WheySoldier

    Well this garbage rage bait website is going straight to the ignore list from now on. Thanks for that, OP.

  26. SmokinBandit28

    Not defending Ubisoft, but really got to stop taking things said out of context for bait articles and updoots.

    What he basically said was they need to do better because gamers today expect better.

  27. HoldenMcNeil420

    Am I wrong?

    No it’s the children who are wrong.

  28. TemperateStone

    How does Ubisoft still function as a company? Everything they’ve made in recent years apart from RS:Siege has underperformed, flopped or been canned. Where does all this money come from?

  29. ItsSevii

    The one time voting with wallets has been successful let’s hope it’s not the last

  30. longinuslucas

    Ubisoft has been making the same canned rpg game for 10 years. Why would I buy another one that is basically the same as the dozens of games before it?

  31. IjustWannaGudTeam

    Ubisoft has to get comfortable going broke.

  32. SpoilerAlertsAhead

    I mean he’s not wrong. I don’t want to fall into the “correlation is causation trap”, but there is a pretty strong correlation to not people buying a game and poor sales.

    I just laughed when I saw the $130 price tag.

  33. BasicallyTony

    Lower the price and I’ll THINK about purchasing it. Else, I’ll wait a year or two and be happy with my saved money. I don’t need the game RIGHT NOW. Those days are behind me and I’ve learned my lesson many times over

  34. eejizzings

    To be fair, gamers are the ones who decide to buy a game or not. So if this failed because gamers refused to support their practices, then gamers are responsible for the poor sales. There’s just nothing wrong with that.

  35. InsomniaticWanderer

    “Get ready to not own your games!”

    *Stops “buying” games they’re not gonna own

    “How could you do this to us?”

  36. Thebearjew559

    Why do so many of the people in charge of these video game companies have their head up their ass?

  37. Lack of accountability is the death knell of bad leadership.

  38. Knowing nothing about the game, I feel like it was a single player open world with a predictable and consistent gameplay loop spread across main and side quests, discovering locations and finding collectibles.

    How did I do?

  39. MistorClinky

    Chooses not to release game on Steam, the biggest PC gaming platform, with a userbase so loyal that many of them will not buy games on PC if they arne’t on Steam.

    Cries when people don’t buy his game. Am I missing something here?

  40. townsforever

    Well yea it is our fault. We didn’t but their game because it didn’t look good. Therefore since no one bought it the sales were poor.

    The ceo gonna try and tell us the sun is why it’s hot in the summer too?

  41. blame_me95

    That 70 bucks plus tax has made a lot of us spend our money more wisely. Ubisoft games just aren’t worth it anymore.

  42. AeroDbladE

    If you charge me 93 dollars canadian for a video game, i want 93 dollars worth of quality entertainment.

    You don’t get to tell me what to expect when you’re charging that much for a game in an economy this Terrible.

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