Why Flicks like this can’t be done in CS2 ? what changed ? I am not agreeing or disagreeing. Just curious. I saw some pros like tenz, device also said you cant flick like you used to in CSGO. I honestly dont understand how CS2 is affecting flicking technically
You can.
You can tho
I remember these days. glad awping is nerfed but damn it used to be so easy to snap.
Flicks are very different in cs2. The muscle memory is different, which trips up long time awpers who built muscle memory for 12 years straight on csgo. Csgo flicks would land slightly after the mouse click so you could flick to the player and click mouse1 just before the crosshair reaches the target. Cs2 has different muscle memory, so the shot registers ON THE click, so mouse1 click must come after the flick has fully landed the crosshair on the player.
Awp snow india?
Bro’s S1mple himself.
Skill issue
I miss my 1v1 servers. I got a high clutch win rate just from playing those alone.
Nothing is stopping you (except your skill level maybe)
Why Flicks like this can’t be done in CS2 ? what changed ? I am not agreeing or disagreeing. Just curious. I saw some pros like tenz, device also said you cant flick like you used to in CSGO. I honestly dont understand how CS2 is affecting flicking technically
You can.
You can tho
I remember these days. glad awping is nerfed but damn it used to be so easy to snap.
Flicks are very different in cs2. The muscle memory is different, which trips up long time awpers who built muscle memory for 12 years straight on csgo. Csgo flicks would land slightly after the mouse click so you could flick to the player and click mouse1 just before the crosshair reaches the target. Cs2 has different muscle memory, so the shot registers ON THE click, so mouse1 click must come after the flick has fully landed the crosshair on the player.
Awp snow india?
Bro’s S1mple himself.
Skill issue
I miss my 1v1 servers. I got a high clutch win rate just from playing those alone.
Nothing is stopping you (except your skill level maybe)