
TIL PUBG makes a weekly ban report showing the banning of tens of thousands of accounts and hundreds of thousands devices each week

TIL PUBG makes a weekly ban report showing the banning of tens of thousands of accounts and hundreds of thousands devices each week


  1. Margaret_Roberts_ds

    Wow, that’s a massive crackdown! Quite impressive.

  2. InitialDay6670

    Game is VERY popular in russia, china, and most of europe. Not suprised. + it has a mobile version, and the pc specs are super low.

  3. Aayush1509

    They banned me for no reason and didn’t give any explanation when I contacted them about it

  4. same thing happens if valve actually start ban people on CS2

  5. TuecerPrime

    TIL that people still played PUBG en masse. I honestly thought it had faded into obscurity.

  6. IgnorantGenius

    It’s like a press release saying don’t play our game because you won’t enjoy it as you will die to hacks.

  7. pirate135246

    Which is irrelevant because the game is free to play

  8. fanatic26

    TIL People still play pubg? Its a terrible game with horrendous hit detection and bad graphics.

  9. Revo_Int92

    I wonder if this makes a real difference on the mobile space. Because these kind of free to play games on PC (all genres), they are infested with cheaters. Banishment doesn’t matter because they can simply create another account and so on

  10. Pretty_Reserve5789

    PubG has been open about how they ban over 5% of its population every month, for years now and thats just the amount of cheaters that gets caught, I wouldnt be surprised if its alot closer to 15%+ thats cheating.

    you pretty much have a 100% chance of getting atleast 1 if not more cheaters in your lobby every single match.

  11. chronicnerv

    This has to be mainly mobile right ?

    I’m pretty sure India has a huge mobile base since they got decent mobile internet.

  12. lilrow420

    What does this change when their game is riddled with their own bots anyways lol

  13. It’s clearly working, because my buddy and me played a game for the first time in years yesterday and the first one a dude ran up to a window where my buddy was hiding in a corner and made no noise and then killed him through the wall lol

  14. ajm53092

    And yet every single match is plagued with cheaters and bots.

  15. JamesLeeNZ

    Its why I cant play anymore. Nearly every time I got killed it seemed suspect… no matter how stealthy/careful I was people would just know where I was, even when there was no way they could have.

  16. MagmaticWolf

    and yet you still have people who with swear on their mother’s grave that people don’t cheat in video games.

    Shit’s even worse in more hardcore games where you lose items when you die.

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