Falcons is considering -snappi +apex, according to Harumi

Falcons is considering -snappi +apex, according to Harumi


  1. passive-energy

    Bruh… Imagine the nuclear levels of tilt if niko apex and simple are on the same team.

  2. ganjaroker123

    Vitality without Apex and Zywoo without Apex, would be crazy. Tbh I can actually see this happening, would be an crazy move.

    This goes without saying, fuck Falcons though.

  3. PapaPomelo

    Simple, Niko AND Apex? Are they trying to build the most tiltable team of all time? Might as well pick up Elige while you’re at it

  4. CjDoesCs

    Damn I always thought Apex would retire in Vitality

  5. Leaving Zywoo and a team where he has total control seems…unbelievable

  6. Crackedddddd

    Falcons shows up in CS, ruined ENCE, now they will try to ruin Vitality and G2 as well. Hope this team fails miserably

  7. shuijikou

    If this really happens, i hope for Vitality+siuhy+jimpphat

  8. akiroraiden

    nah, apex will never leave without zywoo

  9. brutaldonahowdy

    dear god please no please no

    interesting that you can tell that zonic clearly likes apex as an IGL

  10. SergeiYeseiya

    Has Falcons asked apEX for his opinion on this ?

  11. hunters_trap

    They’d need the strongest mental coach the world has ever produced, and then some.

  12. Merquette

    Can’t help but imagine synergy wouldn’t work w the projected players.

    I’d really hate to see it, but I have popcorn ready

  13. then, zywoo to g2 instead of niko and its gg😂

  14. Bright-Heart-8861

    These are fake news!! Just trying to stir up wanted conversations.

  15. Any_Necessary_9842

    Reminder Harumi is a clown that just throws shit at the wall hoping something will stick and you should not trust this

  16. Barbeuhley

    Apex and Zywoo have extended their contracts with Vita until 2026, wdym ?

  17. Lurkario-

    Apex is NOT leaving vitality, the second best team in the world that just won cologne, to play for falcons lmao

  18. oPlayer2o

    I swear Harumi and or Falcons🏳️‍🌈 are just baiting everyone.

  19. Woullie_26

    Harumi and overdrive are litterally 2 of the least accurate insiders of all time.

    Can we stop posting these guys?

    They’re just guessing most of the time

  20. Plennhar

    They’re probably interested, duh, [he’s probably the best IGL in the scene right now](https://new.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1ff6zgk/a_stat_for_judging_the_quality_of_igls/), but he’d probably need more than just money to move. s1mple is a big question mark right now, both in terms of how good he is, and in terms of whether they’ll be able to sign him permanently, AND in terms of whether he’ll be toxic for the team. If they got m0NESY to follow NiKo though, then the picture changes quite a bit, and the move becomes a lot more enticing.

  21. Termodynamicslad

    S1mple, Niko, Apex, Hallzerk, Elige.

    Make it happen.

  22. Djokerforlife

    I mean we will see but it says Falcons are considering it ,they are also considering Zywoo i bet doesnt mean either are going,maybe turns out to be true but i think its just baiting from Harumi/overdrive to get clicks since there hasnt been some crazy leaks from them in a while

  23. jonajon91

    Thinking more about Vitality than Falcons here.

    I commend apEX for the work he’s done in Vitality, but I don’t think it would be hard for Vitality to upgrade here, there are IGLs that can call and frag as well as him, he’s not irreplicable.

  24. apex to end up like sunpayus if so I can only see negative in this

  25. toxicity18241

    Niko, Simple, Apex, Monesy, Magisk?

    Would this team even work?

  26. grundlesmith

    If this is how CS teams function, I should start a team

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