It’s all your fault

It’s all your fault


  1. Lastdudealive46

    The “solid quality” in question is NASA PC requirements for Battlefront II (2017) level graphics and Ubislop gameplay.

  2. the_abortionat0r

    Its funny because many gamers themselves will throw this type of blame around when people point out bad optimizations.

  3. Watsyurdeal

    It’s my fault I don’t like a game and didn’t buy it


  4. shrekfan246

    it’s not even out on steam yet idk what they expect really

  5. I watched some launch day gameplay, and combat AI was absolute dogshit.

    I’m happy to wait for a year or so.

  6. I saw the first trailer for this game and immediately didn’t care.
    I lost interest in Star Wars over the last 10 or so years as well.

  7. twinks-are-vitamins

    I’m so proud of you, gamers 🥹​

  8. Kumo1019

    Stop making mid,$70 is too much money these days to waste on mediocre games

  9. Conscious_Moment_535

    How dare we! We didn’t buy a shit game. We’re so bigoted. /s

    The sooner ubisoft fucking collapse the fucking better. Pieces of absolute garbage

  10. If I am partly to blame for the failure of Outlaws, I’d like a commemorative pin so I can wear it proudly. Make stupid games, win stupid prizes. Ubisoft can get fucked.

  11. Darko002

    The game didn’t look fun. Nothing about the Star Wars side of it made me want to play, nothing about the Ubisoft side made me want to play. Not sure if that’s the gamers’ fault. Sounds like it might be the game’s fault.

  12. Far_Adeptness9884

    Yeah, that’s how this works, it may be a “solid” game, but not a game we want.

  13. ResortActual5742

    $70 broken on release plus it’s the same stilted gameplay from every other Ubisoft release for the past 4 years

  14. AwesomArcher8093


    Outlaws is “solid quality”?

  15. Greennit0

    Is that solid quality here in the room with us?

  16. GridIronGambit


    No it’s the gamers who’re wrong.

  17. WolfVidya

    “Solid quality” was a thing outlaws did *not* have. Sure it wasn’t a buggy mess, but that’s the bare fucking minimum. It was completely braindead, ugly, and what wasn’t either of those two, was just a rehash of the common Ubi slop.

  18. AnomalousUnReality

    Pretty sure that’s not what he said. I forget where I read the exact quote but he basically says they made a solid game and they should have made a better one.

    “In today’s challenging market and with gamers expecting extraordinary experiences, delivering solid quality is no longer enough.”

    -Yves Guillemot

    There found it. I don’t see it reading as blaming gamers at all, but Ubisoft bad I suppose.

    Edited typo

  19. John_Wickish

    “If you do t like it don’t play it” fucking idiots

  20. MotanulScotishFold

    First rule in any business: Never criticize or blame your customers.

  21. OParadise

    Title kinda missleading as per usual but he really said solid games aren’t enough anymore, from the company that released the AAAA game and now Outlaws.

  22. Harmonicano

    Its a market, Bad stuff does not sell good stuff sells, that easy

  23. dtorrance88

    Sorry, I haven’t gotten used to not owning their games

  24. No_Adhesiveness_3550

    How many times has this happened? Developers making a mid game and then blaming their customers for not buying it?

  25. AngryTrooper09

    Kind of leaving out an important part of the quote, don’t you think?

    “In today’s challenging market and with gamers expecting extraordinary experiences, delivering solid quality is no longer enough,” the CEO said. “We must strive for excellence in all aspects of our work.  This will enable the biggest entry in the [Assassin’s Creed] franchise to fully deliver on its ambition, notably by fulfilling the promise of our dual protagonist adventure with Naoe and Yasuke bringing two very different gameplay styles.” 

  26. Spatulaalegs

    get fucked ubisoft, Aspyr can get fucked too for ruining the KOTOR remake

  27. PyrosFists

    I feel for the talented people that will lose their jobs when this crap shoot of a company goes out of business

  28. Rafnir_Fann

    I don’t want to defend Ubisoft because they’re terrible but the CEO’s quote doesn’t really reflect the headline. It’s naked ragebait. I’d rather do something constructive with my time than get annoyed with this crap

  29. boratburg

    If gamers is the reason .so it’s time to switch your career

  30. PatBalone

    I mean, the game wasn’t even out and people were bashing the game because you know, Ubisoft. I get that people are tired of the same typpe of game but Outloaws isn’t bad, i had alot of fun playing it. People Hae Ubisoft by default. It doesn’t help. Not the entire fault of gasmers but it really didn’t help.

  31. shecho18

    Their brains are divorced from reality.

    Small edit:

    >delivering solid quality is no longer enough,” the CEO said

    This is what bothers me, it was years ago they had something solid. Quality needs to be there from day one, after that is solved solid and above part is easy.

  32. BananaBread2602

    Maybe one day they will realise that Mid, safe , unimaginative games with “Ubisoft Open World”, dont sell well for a reason?

  33. jamesaa941

    Had they only delivered ‘solid quality’.

  34. OperativePiGuy

    The game may have flaws but let’s be fucking honest, the internet was riding this game’s ass the second it was announced because it’s Star Wars and it’s a franchise that has the “hate by default” thing going for it, and it’s mixed with Ubisoft’s version of that same nonsense. Mix them together and you have a game the internet will gleefully celebrate the underperformance of.

    But, y’know, UbIsLoP bAd

  35. andydabeast

    It’s a single player game. What’s the rush? I’ll wait a year or two till it’s $10 and has all the bugs fixed and more reviews out.

  36. xkeepitquietx

    Blaming your audience, always a wise business move.

  37. Lol watch Star Wars Theory’s video on the game. He was literally clipping through the floor multiple times.

  38. drunkpunk138

    There were some things this game did really well, I am generally not a fan of Ubisoft or many if any any star wars games since the Lucas arts days so I was a pretty hard sell on this one to begin with. But of all the things that shouldn’t feel lack luster, the moment to moment game play is at the top of that list. And I just got so bored with the constant sneaking. Wouldn’t be an issue if the blaster game play felt good at all, but it didn’t.

    I think the worlds they built were great and they nailed other parts of the atmosphere of the game. It’s definitely a Ubisoft trend where they build great worlds and fumble on the rest though, so I guess I’m not surprised.

  39. itsapotatosalad

    There’s no lightsabers in the game yeah? So that’s probably your main problem.

  40. BeerGogglesFTW

    Yeah. I love Star Wars and video games and didn’t buy this one. I’m the target audience and am to blame for this one.

    But if they could have made the game more appealing. Instead of the standard Ubisoft open world action/shooter game. Add some RPG elements.

    Let me create my own character at the start like an RPG game. Let me select my companion, pet/droid. It can follow the main quest story line, but give me a plethora of side quests to develop my character my way. e.g. Smuggler, rebel, bounty hunter, crime boss etc.

    I assume it has some minor stuff like that, but whatever it has… it needs more. Not just decision making. But side-quest lines that take time.

    It’s not that I have anything against playing their main character. (I played the Battlefront II campaign) But I feel like it adds a lot to build your own character in the Star Wars universe.

  41. HideoSpartan

    I blame gamers too.

    Tiktok rot, short attention spans and extremely fickle.

    Don’t listen to us. We have no idea what we want or what improvements can be made, even after many centuries of gaming and oh! we love remasters and unfinished games!

    Just let me redbull enema and snort GFuel in peace please whilst I deathgrip my controller on Warzone then complain single player games are dead and pointless, just like every game that isn’t live service.

  42. Another_Road

    That’s an *extremely* misleading headline.

    Here’s the full quote:

    >”In today’s challenging market and with gamers expecting extraordinary experiences, delivering solid quality is no longer enough. We must strive for excellence in all aspects of our work.”

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