[aw] does anyone still play this?

Been wanting to play this lately and just was wondering if anyone still plays?


  1. BipolarEmu

    As long as it isn’t PC, every cod has at least one game of TDM to a reasonable degree.

  2. TheRed24

    I’ve been wondering the same thing too, if it’s anything like the other Cod’s from that era I have played recently you probably can still find some TDM lobbies, I just need to get around to re-downloading it.

  3. Short_Account_4176

    It’s pretty much dead on the other modes, but TDM is where you’ll find players

  4. numbvirus

    Yeah. I hop in from time to time. It’s only TDM but I can usually find a match.

  5. Lieutenant_Yeast

    Not online, but honestly running around like a crackhead with that railgun pistol against bots is gonna be burned into my head. Lol

  6. eight-4-five

    Would recommend infinite warfare over this one but most likely you can still find a TDM

  7. Standard-Try-8817

    You know I shit on this game a lot yet aside from og mw2 it’s my most played haha.

  8. _chainsodomy_

    I logged in on my ps4 two days ago and I couldn’t find ANY body playing anything

  9. One-Happy-Gamer

    If one thing I did enjoy was the team song playing during the pre-game timer. I would move the stick left to right going along with the song

  10. TinyPowerz

    (Xbox) Bought it a few days ago while on sale. I’ve been able to find games in zombies and exo survival, but no multiplayer games. I only really bought it for the zombies, though.

  11. LIAMBUK27

    I have all done that and I have upload all videos of it

  12. inkedgalaxy

    zombies/survival had a few people on ps4/5 the last time i tried it (about a month ago)

  13. NesugalvojuGeroVardo

    Unpopular opinion, I actually liked the campaign

  14. Meho_v_maybe

    I actually miss this game alot.. I remember so many fun matches with bots when I had my PS3 still. Very fun for a change, loved the campaign too. Sold PS3 not even a year ago.

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