Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War

Hd textures side by side comparison, shots taken from series s, details below

NOTE: this is purely for those who are wondering if it is worth having the HD textures downloaded or not (which spoilers, it's absolutely not worth it).

This was a bit difficult for me to do simply because i had never paid much attention to the detail of the maps due to me camo grinding as well grinding for the easter eggs in zombies and plus i was on Xbox one s at the time and only upgraded roughly a year or 2 ago to the series s and never got back to playin cold war as much, so it was hard for me to be able to figure what would be/what is different.

I did notice like a weird lighting difference specifically in cartel in some of the shacks used by campers and or longshot grinds but i am going to consider it as placebo since as i have mentioned i have been camo grinding and didn't pay attention to the detail of the maps even after upgrading unless some other people are able to chime in and confirm whether the lighting difference is legit or definite placebo.

And since i didn't pay attention to the details of the maps i went specifically into the most detailed maps for any possible differences, cartel, nuketown, and die machine, and starting with cartel, main difference i have been able to find myself was that there's more vegetation around the map, mainly just more grass but nothing annoying like more bushes like in the middle of the map.

Nuketown, only difference i was able to find was an extremely subtle difference on the front of the orange house to the right of the door i notice that the spray paint is ever so slightly less blurry? Or pixaled? Than compared to having no hd textures. I have circled the specific spot i am referring to.

And then die machine, probably the most detailed map in the whole game, is probably where i have seen the most differences albeit very small stuff as with the rest of the shots.

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