FACEIT released their September patch notes, confirming the biggest ever smurf ban wave on the platform, adding more anti-toxicity features, and providing an update on their servers

FACEIT released their September patch notes, confirming the biggest ever smurf ban wave on the platform, adding more anti-toxicity features, and providing an update on their servers


  1. skiingbeaver

    the only thing Premier has over Faceit is that you don’t get banned for responsing to someone else’s toxicity

  2. Bumholesurfer69

    How about you add some US West servers. Just about every game has 7+ players with 60+ ping which feels horrible in cs2.

  3. KaNesDeath

    150K toxicity bans since June shows how little theyve done over the years to address this.


    Server performance has been really bad in the last couple of months. I had 2 games where it was unplayable for everyone in the server and an admin had to reroute us to another one. Unfortunately the enemy team got one round for free, while everyone was disconnected from the server 😀

  5. Dismal_Purpose3443

    Largest smurf ban wave i havent played in months i know ive played smurfs just about every game yet i have no ban notifications hmmmmmmm

  6. unknownGI2959

    Off-topic but why does faceit third party their tech blog to Medium who has a full page cookie notice before you can read the patch notes..

  7. chaRxoxo

    The promotion system for IM is so dumb this season.

    Also still no fix for coaching in league games. Smh

  8. How do they differentiate smurfs from 2 different person using the same pc?

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