How do I upgrade my GPU?

How do I upgrade my GPU?


  1. cassiogomes00

    You can download a better GPU on Nvidia’s site

  2. Both_Cartographer325

    i was horrified for a second, Then i saw the tag lmao

  3. Greven93

    Microwave for 30 seconds to unlock the secret cores.

  4. hellshaker

    Just flip it over and you will gain 2x performance

  5. josephseeed

    You gotta lick the back and stick it back on

  6. wizardstrikes2

    Jusf fix it! Use a tube of Noctua thermal paste (the whole tube) cover the GPU fully. Then wrap it in a Thermalright Odyssey Thermal Pad. You could double up the pads for twice the thermal transfer!

    Your memory junction temps, and core temps will drop to room temp 100%

  7. Dingers713

    Cover the back with thermal paste and smoosh it back in then cover the top with thermal paste, You’ll get double the cooling that way.

  8. Lagmatic

    Don’t listen to all of these other posts – they obviously haven’t built a PC before. Just shoved that sob into an outlet and boom, 4k/320fps.

  9. aberroco

    You sand down the inscriptions that it currently have and then inscribe a new ones. That’s how it works.

  10. SignoreOscur0

    Write 4090 with a sharpie on it, then bake at 200C and it should work.

  11. Henzilla728

    Download VRAM from chrome 100% legit no virus 2014

  12. Another1BitesDcrust

    Step 1) get a PhD in physics, electronics engineering and finance management.

  13. moistlube

    A good home remedy is to smother it in fresh cow milk, microwave it for 60 seconds , and feed it to a hoard of snails. Install the snails excrement and them game at 8k 240fps ezpz

  14. Dizzzy777

    I hear if you draw flames on it it will go faster.

  15. BruteBooger

    Here is a easy 3-step guide.

    1. Write AI somewhere on the chip

    2. List it as “extremely rare nvidia AI non-restricted prototype chip” for a buttload of cash

    3. Buy high end AMD alternative for half the price

  16. MoodRealistic73

    You can’t take the gpu of a video card and replace it you buy a new card it’s not a cpu those can be replaced without buying a new motherboard well I never heard of it and may be considered modding which the manufacturers don’t like if you have a warranty could void it

  17. OsiriX69

    Open ur pc case. Unplug the gpu , buy a new rtx gpu and put it back. Done. Easy. Make sure to subscribe

  18. Nowhereman50

    20 Metal

    20 Electronics

    4 Duct Tape

    35 Forged Steel

  19. greatthebob38

    Actual answer? You reball a different GPU, reflash the bios, and mod the GPU information to allow Nvidia driver updates. There was a guy who did for a laptop. He upgraded from a 3060 to a 3080ti.


  20. TallgeeseIV

    Ok so first you’re going to gently sand down the top of the IHS on the GPU.

    Then you’re going to use lower grit sandpaper, and sand down through the cores until you get to the pcb.

    Next, grab a power sander and sand the pcb down until you get to your home’s flooring, you should have no gpu left to sand.

    Last, buy a new gpu.

    Hope this helps!

  21. Worth_it_I_Think

    Just curious what GPU die is that?

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