
Ubisoft admits XDefiant flop, adding to company’s woes

Ubisoft admits XDefiant flop, adding to company’s woes


  1. MuptonBossman

    *In the call’s Q&A portion, Guillemot admitted that XDefiant was “behind expectations,” even given the company’s admittedly “lower expectation” for the game from the start.*

    Ubisoft has been chasing trends for a while now and it’s not working… They really feel like a company that’s completely lost and is struggling to find their identity again.

  2. they do it to themselves forcing people to use that shit launcher among other things.

  3. Large_Ride_8986

    I mean… who expected this to work in this day and age?

  4. I’ve only vaguely heard the name but never investigated. Did not help that it sounds utterly generic. Like an edgy name for a new video card that will be considered powerful for maybe a few months.

  5. PatternActual7535

    It really shows how out of touch Ubisofts execs are

    Rehashed, unoriginal games are everywhere

    We don’t need another generic “CoD like shooter”, don’t need another boring empty open world game

    Want something worth playing and interesting

  6. You don’t come to Steam day one, I have no idea your game exists. And when you eventually do come to Steam, I don’t buy out of spite for not giving me the opportunity of playing on day one. Fuck your launcher.

  7. heroism777

    To be honest. I never even heard of it.
    However it’s Ubisoft, so that alone is the red flag.

  8. Cressbeckler

    I had fun on it. The game is pretty barebones. My main complaint was that I had to play it from Uplay and the matchmaking took forever.

  9. I didn’t realize XDefiant had released already.

  10. Main_Body_6623

    I recall a lot of people playing it when it launched, quickly died off it seems

  11. Krullervo

    Well well well if it isn’t the ‘find out’ portion of fucking around.

  12. Ubi’s got a similar problem as Blizzard. They both stopped making *new* games about twenty years ago. What was the last thing they released that wasn’t either fundamentally identical to Assassin’s Creed or a rip off of someone else’s product?

    Others have already complained about those fucking launchers, too. It seems like a small thing, but it irritates me because it’s a waste of my time that only exists so that this company can bully me for my contact information or try and sell me *something else.* Can I please use the software that I paid for without having to tell this thing to fuck off every single time? It’s like getting pestered at a singles’ bar.

    They’ve lost their way. They stopped focusing on entertainment and made their primary goal pumping their end users for every dime they can get out of them, and it shows. Make a decent product and don’t treat me like an ATM and maybe I’ll pick up another one of your games in the future.

  13. Seriously curious what will happen in Ubisoft, they are having a absolute terrible time at the moment and there is clearly some internal panic.

  14. MatrixBunny

    The problem with xDefiant is that it is a very niché type of game that plenty of other developers have made before and by the end of the day you’ll end up losing said playerbase in a short amount of time, unable to warrant continues support as they all move back to the more known/next major title (think of BF/CoD etc..)

    Besides that, xDefiant still feels like a watered down version of those games and has been having big issues since each playtest that they are unable to fix. Which is the hitreg issues, they are unable to fix this and has been persistent still to this day. It can make or break a game like this.

  15. No-Pollution1149

    I’m still laughing at all the YouTube clowns who called this the “CoD killer” and how CoD devs should “take notes” as this is “what the fans really want”. Another fine example of why you should ignore YouTubers. I knew from the beta that this game was fueled off CoD resentment as it was bareboned and have very little lasting appeal. Then it released just as mid but had the nerve to feature some of the worst hit detection in a shooter. RIP

  16. Savage_Hamster_

    Tried it for an hour, probably one of the most boring, lifeless fps games I’ve played.

  17. ghostpants116

    Ahhh yes. I stopped playing this game cuz half the shots don’t register, and headshots do random amounts of damage. I’ve literally never played a shooter that does that

  18. MassiveGG

    Release game with small handful of maps small list of weapons limited cosmetics locked behind paywalls. Small list of heroes it’s like didn’t even try gamr also somewhat plays like ass with hit detect

  19. Dreamo84

    Giving it a stupid name doesn’t help. Who wants to say “X defiant?” It looks like some 12 yr old’s WoW username.

  20. RamaSchnittchen

    Remember when studios had a vision to make an entertaining game, instead of copying the same 10 game formats and just adding another twist with seasons and battlepasses?
    I think that’s the main reason I mostly play Indie games these days.
    Games made by small developers, where the game designers themselves decide what to do with the game instead of shareholders, who just look at the money.

  21. AggravatingDay8392

    The reality is that they want their own Fortnite, every company wants one..

  22. NyamiiKyoto

    I feel bad saying this but every time i hear a game thats coming out has Ubisoft devs, I steer clear of that game. I forget what game recently that was fairly new, I was told it had Ubisoft devs and steered clear of it. I just have no faith

  23. Green117v2

    It probably doesn’t help their cause that there now must be a good percentage of gamers that continue to hold some integrity to the idea of never buying another Ubisoft title ever again. I haven’t since 2016 and further failures like this, driven purely by the wants and needs of shareholders, only solidifies my reasoning.

  24. Dylan_TheDon

    people played it cus it was something slightly new, but was super barebones, badly balanced, directionless, and the gameplay just felt like generic bo4 multiplayer with more strafe control

    once again it was a soul-less copycat skin seller of a game, wish the game industry would move on from this “meta” already

  25. Ubisoft is kind of right though, I won’t own any of their games and I am happy. 

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