
“I know you’re here somewhere, Spider-Man!” 😂

“I know you’re here somewhere, Spider-Man!” 😂


  1. DaMegaBite

    That’s gotta be the darkest screenshot in the game.

  2. TemperateStone

    This bit annoyed me quite a lot about the game. It was so dumb that they could never see nor hear me as I dinged the heads of their comrades into steel and hung them clear for all to see.

  3. Sharktoothdecay

    spiderman has killed and he will kill again soon

  4. deathsarbiter

    No one ever thinks to look up. It’s how they get ya.

  5. Same thing on assassin’s creed games where they get out of hight alert and go back to their normal patrol schedule after literally killing their camarade, at least on GTA games you need to run away from the zone

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