insane w0nderful 1v2

insane w0nderful 1v2


  1. Shadow_Clarke

    this game man… lol

    Edit: clearly people took it too seriously 💀

  2. Not_A_Canoe

    Wait he kills site guy before bench. I am so confused

  3. slowed down it looks like pure RNG/spread? in the replay he shot only after he aimed right to niko

  4. lookmasilverone

    the day of the random ass AK shots, first D2 now this 😀

  5. DarthReid

    that is one of the luckiest fallback final bullets I’ve ever seen, well-played to him I guess

  6. Blokonomicon

    For people saying this is a problem with CS2, why would the same random stray bullet not happen in CS:GO?

  7. Responsible_Lead7140

    I’ll be in shock if this somehow makes Navi takes this game back lmao

  8. Mainbaze

    That is so fucking lucky. Like coldzera jumpshots kind of lucky, ~~if not more~~. Now they REALLY need to make use of it


    Get used to shots like this if shittick is still in game

  10. Round_Mix_4119

    This happens a lot even in casual games, randoms just stare on the floor then shot hs by accident…

  11. Old_Vermicelli7483

    Just pure luck, probably a stray bullet that was shot at the moment he stepped back

  12. PriceActionEnjoyer

    Reverse sweep from this rng bullet spread?? I will eat a shoe

  13. SergeiYeseiya

    And we haven’t won a round since lol

  14. JamesDp-OverWatch

    Luckiest shot on the planet, comeback only because of this clutch.
    Navi fans must be thanking god he is in there side once again most boring ahh lineup of all time cannot win without god’s intervention.

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