B1ad3 on FaZe’s decline: “Maybe we took their energy when we defeated them in the Major final” (interview)

B1ad3 on FaZe’s decline: “Maybe we took their energy when we defeated them in the Major final” (interview)


  1. Broky on the other hand was in full force yesterday.

  2. DuckSwagington

    There were signs of life this event but I think he’s right. I remember after the major final one of the Faze players (I think it was rain) said something along the lines of that they wanted to stomp Navi 10 times over to make up for that loss. It’s clear that the Major loss *hurt,* because it’s Karrigan’s home event, and it’s the closest thing that rain, broky and ropz are going to get to a home event, and by all rights that was Faze’s major to win and they didn’t. In fact they went out with a whimper, and they haven’t looked the same since.

  3. Blad3 out here leeching life force out of teams

  4. woodgrove3

    b1t – The Landlord
    AleksiB – The Whisperer
    B1ad3 – The SuCC

  5. tomskrrt

    definetly. I also think losing that major final was the beginning if the downfall. They were so hot coming into cs2. After that major they all felt like shells of their former selves. Lack of cohesion, tilting, desperate plays, and consistency. The team is filled with stars all arguably some of the best in their specific roles. They just look so burned out. A change is needed, yet no player is a definitive “cut”. Where do you start here? New leadership? Coach or Igl? New, more consistent awper? More reliable anchor? We might see another twistzz type move, where somebody on the team wants to leave.

  6. TheGoodguyperson

    Ancient was Faze’s only chance of winning the game (but then w0nderful happened) because FaZe were LOST on anubis, nothing worked for them

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