Call of Duty: Zombies

One of these things are not like the others 🎵

They primarily do the same thing (that is, increase your damage) except one is inherently an iconic mechanic that gave zombies the personality it has today. (Drinking perks to upgrade your player character!) so why exactly did we remove this feature, in replacement of something completely irrelevant?

If 4 layer tier upgrades was your idea to balance CW, why not just have the player buy double tap 4 times?


  1. IamEclipse

    The change to rarities over Double Tap was a means to balance the loadout system first and foremost, but it has a few other solutions to balancing guns baked in.

    – It allows guns to stay viable as a match progresses. Wall weapons increase rarity as the match progresses, as do box weapons. Cold War was designed for the player to *play their way*. The rarity system over Double Tap means that you have gun damage that scales better with the game (rather than being a one time purchase.

    – It keeps your weapon damage tied to your weapon, not your character. When you go down on round 50 in any game, you keep your Pack-a-Punch and your alternate ammo type. Previously, your weapon damage was an outlier in this regard. Going down on round 50 in Black Ops 3 means that your weapon is now doing half damage. That’s a big spike in difficulty, and one that is ironed out by allowing your weapon to keep all of its attributes following a down in Cold War/BO6.

    – As for the solution of buying Double Tap 4 times, it’s just mechanically off. Outside of Vanguard, perks are a one and done purchase. It’d be super weird for the player to have 9 perks in a map be one-time purchase, and then Double Tap is 4-tier purchase.

    Not to say that I fully agree with the way the rarity system was implemented into Cold War, but I can understand the thought process some of the Devs likely had.

  2. Zealousideal-Top2404

    I wanted to point out that Double Tap also increases fire rate. But I don’t see how rarities are bad still. Sure, thay don’t have the same detail and feeling as perks(the menu’s UI is basic and not too interesting) but I still think Treyarch can improve upon rarities. Why not have Double Tap alongside rarities. Maybe put alternate artistic details, like the armory can have a corpse instead of a dummy.

  3. mcerror0101

    the machine is getting a redesign that looks alot better in bo6 so theres that

  4. quittin_Tarantino

    I don’t understand why people say that the rarity/upgrade system in cold war is the same as double tap.

    When you buy double tap it actually feels like an apgrade and helps out significantly it just makes guns feel all around better. but with the cold war system upgrading doesn’t feel like it does very much especially after the first one. This is the same exact problem everyone had with exo zombies.

  5. Shaun_LaDee

    > If 4 layer tier upgrades was your idea to balance CW, why not just have the player buy double tap 4 times?

    That’s exactly what they did with the perks in Vanguard, and it was fucking awful. Easily the single worst thing about that game imo and that’s saying something. I couldn’t even enjoy the two round based maps in that game because of the atrocious perk system.

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