Call of Duty: Zombies

8. NEW Perk Idea – Bloodbath Maria

Bloodbath Maria – It's a bloody good time!



  1. ill_polarbear

    That’s very cool, kinda like a combination between dying wish and widows wine

  2. Zealousideal-Top2404

    Hey, u/kool_uzer_name_bro. How are you? I am fine. It’s delightful to see to see yet another custom perk.

    By the way, ya know the drill?(Looks at BO4, BOCW and BO6)

  3. Agreeable-Worker-368

    I’m a fan of these but I question the name. Is a maria a drink? Or did you mean for it to be Blood bath Mary like Bloody Mary

  4. I think it’s a really interesting perk and I think it would fit in nicely with the bo4 and beyond perk system, but I’d have a hard time saying it wouldn’t be overpowered in the waw-bo3 days. Just my thoughts though

    Oh but that perk icon is beautiful btw

  5. Inverzion2

    This perk would make EE’s with Zombie Blood so fucking cool. I could see an entire map created around the concept of being a zombie for limited time trials or something. Keep it up OP

  6. AnonyMouse3925

    I like it. Reminds me of the one perk from Fo4 where your enemies can randomly explode on death

    Maybe with a *severely nerfed* version of the sliquifier, it could be balanced

    I’m not a fan of perks with a literal cooldown timer, so I’m glad to see you didn’t go down that route with it

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