Wow, it’s almost like this game hasn’t been out for 6 years…

Muscle memory is key. Use a lower red dot sensitivity and staple that into memory then convert your 2x, 3x, 4x etc to have a higher sensitivity so that it mimics your red dot pull to the T. A higher sensitivity means you pull down less rather than pulling a lot with the same red dot sensitivity. Now you can pick up any scope, red dot – etc and no longer have to worry about a soft pull vs an extreme pull. Put work into the range like I have done and get better at recoil and you’ll be able to beam too. You won’t be handed recoil control with some settings, you have to actually confine to those settings. I also use a Gamesir He with a kontrolfreek on my right stick for precise control, I also hold my breath and crouch when I shoot with my back buttons so I can have a more stable control. I never intended to use an elite control type of hardware but I found myself getting stick drift all to often and HallEffect sticks are definitely worth it, they are so sensitive but comes in handy once you get use to them. Hate it or love it.

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