Ok, give me something you’d change or add to the game to improve it and I’ll see if you’re alallowed in

Ok, give me something you’d change or add to the game to improve it and I’ll see if you’re alallowed in


  1. cadmaster375

    Eliminate world chat, completely rebuild match making using k/d and individual placement in prior ranked matches.

  2. Neophyte0

    Variable zoom optics (scope & iron sight, as well as high zoom, lower zoom switching optics) maybe thermal, or IR optics.


    Tire pop or fuel mechanics in br. Adding the option to spawn vehicles in br training grounds

  4. Dutchavellis-bando

    Certain toxic items such as reactor core, pinpoint, K9, stealth chopper disallowed in MP ranked for a less rage experience

  5. haronclv

    Reduce sliding power and knives to hit 100hp only from the back

  6. Ok-Individual355

    Change the ranked map rotation so maps can’t be in the ranked pool more than 2 seasons in a row, and diversify what maps are for what modes

    Bring back the lucky draw voting like they did for last anniversary but only give 1 vote per person per category

    Regularly update zombies, and make a new zombies pass instead of keeping this old one permanently

    Make a set plan for BPs like 1 anniversary, one Chinese new year, one Christmas, one zombies/holloween, x amount of military, x amount of other theme

    Keep draws and such in the store for longer like in mainline, especially considering how dang expensive they are

    Do regular BR events so it’s fun and draws people in, cause it’s boring when it’s the same thing over and over

    Add new camos, like the prestige camos from mainline, or different variants of existing camos like diamond, and bring back the old tournament camos

    And my personal pet peeve, buff NA45 so it can kill peeps with flak jacket or some other buff, cause I love the gun but it’s so hard to use when it has none of the upsides of a sniper, and the thing that makes in fun and unique doesn’t work 3/4 of the time

  7. IForgorMeName

    Nerf the BP50 to the ground, make the meta balanced so that every gun is usable, remove SBMM


    Riot shield, look past the superstitions and you have smthn that can counter streak spammers bc it can tank direct hits from anything but a select few items, of which we have all but 2 of.

    Otherwise hostage feature from bo6

  9. marcelbaybay

    Fast fire rate melee weapons like Sai and Prizefighters become 2-shot kill (at least).

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