Call of Duty: Zombies

Are we allowed to talk about [Extinction] here?

If the cryptids are from below the Earth’s surface and not outer space, then why do the Seeker meteors fall from the sky?


  1. Consistent-Wait1818

    I really enjoyed extinction. Thought it was a super cool mode that was different enough from zombies to set it apart. I’m not familiar with the lore, but I thought the cryptids were originally from space?

  2. Joemama0104

    I absolutely LOVED the different direction extinction was.
    Interesting enemies, new ideas on progression. It wasn’t “zombies but made by a different studio” it was completely it’s own thing. Should make a comeback when IW makes the next COD

    Lee Ross is the man 😎

  3. N7_Evers

    Extinction is by far the best non Treyarch zombies game mode.

  4. Raaadley

    It’s difficulty was a jump from Origins but there are so many great things going for Extinction that just got overshadowed by “Ghosts BAD” I personally clocked over 20 Days in game time its so much fun and still has 10 Relic challenge runs submitted to this day

  5. TheDaisyGod

    The rotation should have been zombies, extinction and not ZOMBIES ZOMBIES ZOMBIES ZOEBNSOMES. They over did zombies after bo3 and i think if they would have had variation from keeping extinction then it would have been better for zombies in the long run

  6. I think the crater acts like a vulcan and launches those rocks into the sky, and then they just fall where you are.

  7. Hawthm_the_Coward

    Lore is that, while Cryptid presence on Earth does predate ours, they came to Earth on an asteroid same as our precursors did.

    While they never specifically explain the Seekers, my headcanon based on the above information is that they’re either dormant space debris or distant relatives, either way answering the call of their newly awakened kin on Earth.

  8. wish they would do this instead of zombies every year keep zombies to treyarch games and this to infinity ward it was so peak

  9. Holy shit, seeing this again makes me want to play this so badly, I loved extinction!

  10. I actually like Extinction and I Hope it returns some day…

  11. Peepus_Christ

    Extinction was such a nice change of pace being a more Defensive based playstyle over the… I guess not necessarily Offensive but heavy movement based Zombies. Really felt good having such a change up and wish it was a regular reoccurring mode

  12. i loved extinction, it was a huge breath of fresh air, especially with the DLCs. Didnt pay attention to the story at all tho, gameplay was very fun

  13. Agreeable-Worker-368

    Honestly they should have stuck to this for another parallel mode its unique fun and would be a great 5th mode for the CoD series. Never understood why they are so reluctant to break out of the 3 + now warzone
    Mode loop they have been in why can’t we have both an aliens mode and a zombies mode?

    And they don’t need to cross everything over every mode can be in their own little world and never cross or just let Aliens and zombies be in the same world like (and I can’t find any non sci-fi channel examples so sorry nobody will get this) warehouse 13 and Eureka 2 completely different series one science focused one magic focused with world ending stakes existing in the same time but but the problems of one doesn’t effect the other.

    Basically what I’m saying is you could have 2 apocalypses and the people dealing with them could be completely oblivious of the other because the world is big and then on one map you could have both modes set at different times achieving different goals and one is set after the other and maybe you use an alien corpse left over from the previous alien invasion to build a zombies Wonder weapon or something and complete that EE

    Idk just a rant since it’s so rare to hear people talk about Extinction and I’ve been thinking of this forever.

  14. SketchyGnarkill

    Grinding for teeth was always a blast. Still can find games on point of contact xbox one

  15. MetalUrgency

    Loved extinction mode still hoping for a sequel

  16. barrack_osama_0

    Extinction was peak non-Treyarch PvE. Even better than BO4. I wish we could get a continuation instead of forcing Treyarch to work on zombies for every other dev team

  17. LazarouDave

    Loved it, and very fun

    But holy shit was it grindy…

    (This coming from someone who earned every Armoury Upgrade on PS4 and did earn about 1000/2602 teeth on PC)

  18. StonedPickleG59

    Beast from beyond is related to extinction so yes.

  19. TheDaisyGod

    I played that shit so much. I grinded so hard to get 1000 Teeth for Double Class, got that shit and it was the best moment of my existence

  20. Alex_FotoN

    Don’t they fall from that big smoke that comes out of the crater where they come from?

  21. ReddDead13

    I loved extinction. For a while I was top 10 on the leaderboards in a few of the categories. I’m pretty good at videogames, but not that good. And I didn’t play that much. Mostly multiplayer. So I was really proud of that. Then the leaderboards filled up with hackers or exploiters or something. People getting scores that just weren’t possible.

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