[COD] Call of Duty 3 (My personal experience with the game)

This is my personal experience with the story mode on PS3. Keep in mind that it differs from person to person and you shouldn’t compare yours with that of the others. Feel free to ask any questions in regard to my takes.

💟 (Phenomenal) ✅ (Very Good) ✴️ (Good)


– The frame-rate is awful.
– 20-30 FPS and at times dropping below 20.

– I thought that after 4 COD games they would’ve learned by now, but no.
– Too far stretched in some missions.

– Useless.
– They always run in front of you even though you’re shooting. Then boom, mission failed, friendly fire.
– They don’t do any damage to enemies if you’re not present. Literary watched an American and German have a shooting conversation from 1 meter out.
– Sometimes they get in your way and you can’t move, which leads to death.

– They see you through trees, doors, walls, bushes and so on.
– It’s really annoying when you can’t see them because of obstacles but they shoot you nonetheless.

– Don’t know what happened, but COD 2 was way easier and less of a struggle.
– It has a lot of sections where you start questioning the devs sanity.
– In some missions it’s so overpowered that you basically die at the start of a checkpoint.


– Storytelling ✅
– Characters 💟
– Side Content 💟
– Setting ✅
– Pacing ✅

– Controls 💟
– Mechanics ✴️
– Exploration ✴️
– Missions/Events 💟

– Surround Sound 💟
– Sound Effects 💟
– Voice Acting ✅
– Dialogues ✅
– Music 💟

– Fidelity 💟
– Cutscenes ✅
– Textures 💟
– Effects 💟

– Flow ✴️
– Enemy Variety 💟
– Weapon Variety 💟
– Stealth ✴️

– Flow ✅

– Atmosphere 💟
– Locations 💟
– Map Design ✅
– Landscapes 💟
– World Destruction 💟

Side Notes:

Characters have emotions and it’s so cool to be able to comprehend what they’re feeling. Their design is great as usual. The uniforms have their ranks on the shoulders and it makes the game much more immersive. For the first time we see a team up with another country. The French and their accents are cool.

Now you can drive even Vera, I mean the jeep. You can even choose a third person view. Tank battles are great. I highly recommend to turn off the crosshair, makes the experience a thousand times better!

The music right from the start is godlike! Even radios around camps are nice. Combined with the incredible environment, it sure as hell delivers. You can see battles and destruction all over. From planes flying around to tanks destroying buildings and troops fighting each other. Bodies literary dropping as you fight, bullet holes on walls, tanks getting blown up, troops lying around like meat sacks, planes crashing, grenades thrown around and much more.

You can rewatch movies from the game as well as some veteran interviews. Their stories are the foundation for this game!


  1. F2P-Gamer

    This was my first COD ever and I had it for the Wii 😂

  2. WoodpeckerNo5074

    Keen to see this, as I plan on emulating it soon.

  3. Englishpyro27

    Menu theme is still my favorite in the franchise

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