Cyberpunk 2077

Playing Cyberpunk for the first time, wondering why quickhacks and breach protocols felt so familiar, then it hit me

Playing Cyberpunk for the first time, wondering why quickhacks and breach protocols felt so familiar, then it hit me


  1. teppakappa

    Watch Dogs was one of my first open world RPGs so it holds a special place in my heart, glad I’m able to continue wreaking havoc on people by hacking the shit out of their devices lol

  2. Actually, the pre-production teasers showed a system even closer to WatchDogs, where you would hack into local networks that were basically XR overlays onto the real world. They should have stuck with that, almost like a subtle net layer on top of the world. Especially since the source material basically treats the ‘net as many fantasy worlds treat Shadow Realms or the Ethereal Plane.

  3. T_rex2700

    I use mod called GTA style fasttravel, and found several of these. I have known about ones for example on the top of building next to Arasaka industrial park whcih says congraturlatios or someithing like that btu only have seen it during the transition thanks to the mod.|

    It’s a cool mod that removes practically the only loading screen you will see, it’s extrremly seamless (though sometimes it goes through buildings)

  4. No_Tamanegi

    They’re about as similar to one another as just about any other video game hacking system.

    Well, other than BioShock, which let you play Pipe Dreams

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