
Ubisoft right now

How ignorant do you have to be?🤦🏻‍♂️


  1. StarDarkCaptain

    Another Ubisoft shit post?

    I’m shocked! Shocked I say!

    Don’t like Ubisoft then don’t play it

  2. The fact is that when Ubisoft do actually put in a bit of effort and try something different people don’t buy the game. Prince of Perisa: the Lost Crown is the perfect example of Ubisoft trying something different from their usual open world slop and making and absolutely solid game that reviewed well with critics and players. Yet the game sold something like 300,000 copies and the vast majority of people likely don’t even know it exists.

    In contrast, AC: Mirage sold something like 1.5 million copies in it’s first week. Internet gamers can moan about Ubisoft releasing the same crappy games over and over all you like, but the numbers clearly don’t lie. When they break from their typical formula and actually release something good people don’t support it, so clearly the market is telling them they want another Assassins Creed game but this time with 1000 feathers to collect and 600 towers to climb.

  3. Feeling-Sympathy-879

    Gotta love the little bit of irony in this post. Ubisoft getting (rightfully) scolded for repeatedly doing the same low effort thing…in a format that’s so low effort and regurgitated for months at a time. For a place that can’t stand a company like Ubisoft, r/gaming sure does resemble Ubisoft.

  4. TheBoBiZzLe

    You think they’d spend money on the bullets. They just let it die a slow, painful, profitable death.

  5. playfullisa3

    Ubisoft sure knows how to milk a cow dry, eh? Just another title, same old story

  6. breed_eater

    The worst things for me is that thay have rights for many great series like Prince of Persia, Splinter Cell, Might and Magic or Rayman. These series have potential for next amazing titles. Instead last years most of Ubisoft’s new releases were generic bland titles like Far Cry 6 or AC Mirage. And yeah, I know that AC brings more money for them, it just hurts me that series like Splinter Cell are in the gutter.

  7. UrWrstFear


    Repeat after me


    One more time since Ubisoft can’t understand…..



    It worked in a game where you play an ASSASIN.

    These mother fuckers would make a cooking game where you have to stealth thru the kitchen. Stealth thru the supermarket for ingredients. Then Stealth to the table to eat.

    I just imagine the dude in charge at ubisoft sneaking into the office everyday so no one sees him. Then sneaking home at night and crawling thru a window to kiss his wife before she sees him.

    At this point this is a fucking mental disease over at ubisoft.

  8. JonatasA

    People complain like idiots about their 

    “You will not own games and you will like it”

    But it is the truth. It is what they want but can’t say.

  9. RuggedTheDragon

    Ubisoft has been known for certain good games here and there, but the lack of quality in terms of the amount of bugs you encounter is immense. They even had a bug that prevented people from continuing their progress in Star Wars outlaws when they pre-ordered it.

  10. Overcast_Prime

    Watch_Dogs 2 was kind of the last game I feel like Ubisoft put a lot of effort into making. As much as I like Legion, it didn’t really hit the highs of 2 in terms of story/presentation. With rare exceptions afterwards, like the new Prince of Persia, it feels like they’re mostly on autopilot. A lot of their recent output feels soulless.

  11. Dramatic_Switch257

    Why don’t we all do a similar thing with ubishit as showed in picture? Few missiles on all of their server locations, headquarters, offices will be good and then world will ask about what happened to ubishit.

  12. N7Diesel

    lol Such lazy karma bait “hurr derr Ubi bad”.

  13. SomethingIntheWayyy0

    The problem is that it is not just ubisoft. Gaming developers these days have forgotten that they’re supposed to make games for us the consumers. For example compare a game that knows its target audience like dragon ball Sparking zero and one that feels like they made a game for no one like suicide squad.

    One has the characters everyone wants to plays as, the other is putting the daughter of deadshot as playable character. But who the fuck wants to play as the daughter of deadshot?

    If I made the suicide squad not only would the story be different I’d be putting characters people actually want. I’m talking Reverse Flash. I’m talking Bane, I’m talking Gorilla Grodd, I’m talking Killer Croc, shit I’d even sneak in superboy Prime there.

  14. adamdudziak

    Ubisoft better be used to gamers not owning their games

  15. GodzillaUK

    Its not ignorance, its arrogance. They did some good, and coasted for years on that good will it generated.

  16. murrkpls

    Ubisoft is one of those companies that I won’t consider buying from at all unless I read widespread praise for something they’ve done. If they make something that is deemed unmissable, I’ll check it out. They’ve not hit that benchmark a single time since Black Flag. So I have not played any of their games since.

    Trust is earned, motherfuckers.

  17. Firamaster

    If Ubisoft really does go under, it’ll be an excellent case study for how to have so many strong IPs, but manage to fail still.

  18. murrkpls

    Yves can keep his shitty cookiecutter AAAA games.

  19. Maxathar

    So now’s not a good time to play X-Defiant 😂💰👌? No worries, I’ll just play Deadlock on launch.

  20. zail671

    I can’t remember when they had a polished game at launch.

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