Cyberpunk 2077

How does so mi see Johnny?

I know so mi uses the Blackwall but seen as Johnny is just a construct on an engram inside V’s head how does so mi see him?

Does she take over the engram?


  1. kuba201002CZ

    Yes, she Actually does take over the engram, to communicate with V and Johny

  2. She remotely hacks into the Relic in V’s head. So Mi herself tells you she’s doing it when you first meet her.

  3. microwavefridge2000

    She gets the same what Johnny has. Access to all senses V has. She sees, hears and feels what V physically feels. That creates some sort of overload when two “people” to do that, so it’s either her or Johnny that can do that. They share same “space”, that is why she can interact with construct.

    There are two examples of this taking place.

    1. Dogtown gates, if you tell her after shock, she has no idea how it feels, fully confident she answers she knows.

    2. In Killing Moon quest, if V scans one thing to pull her up to the roof, V says So Mi is too heavy. She instantly reacts. “You do know I can hear you, right?” That one is kinda funny.

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