Windows 10 EOL is not fine

Windows 10 EOL is not fine


  1. GH057807

    They’ll have to pry it from my cold dead fingers.

  2. Raymont_Wavelength

    Is it true that the last update will slow ur machine?

  3. ActuallyTiberSeptim

    Meanwhile I’ve been using Win 11 Pro for a year and a half and it’s fine. Not sure why some people are getting so upset over this.

    EDIT: Hahahaha. Apparently some people got triggered by my comment.

  4. Xenoryzen_Dragon

    join dark side and use Windows 11 LTSC Edition……….

    good for old pc


  5. Hmasteryz

    I have seen windows xp still thrive at government office so yeah microsoft can get fucked for all i care.

  6. PolishedCheeto

    I’ve been waiting for a new build to switch back to Ubuntu.

    Sigh…. but I don’t want the hassle of
    * formatting a USB stick
    * rummaging through BIOS,
    * pressing a few clicks to install,
    * re-downlaoding spoofify,
    * re-setting up my Firefox,
    * resetting some passwords I’ve forgotten
    * making a new reddit
    * re-downloading my games

    And doing all that early before I get a new build.

  7. Remember when people says Win 10 sucks because of Win 7

    Rinse and repeat. People will be doing the same with 11 when 12 comes out

  8. NEOnKnights69

    Didn’t W10 LTSC support end in 2032?

  9. rainbowroobear

    id probably begrudgingly switch to Win11 if i could move the fucking taskbar from the bottom to a different side of the screen.

  10. leigen_zero

    According to the windows update screen thing my CPU is too old to run win11 anyway

    Guess it’s back to running around outside with a hoop-and-stick for my family /s

  11. Icy_Investment_1878

    W11 is overhated, sure u need to do some tweaks but still significantly less of a hassle than linux. Auto hdr and direct storage is worth upgrading alone

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