I saved up just enough cp, will there be a cp rebate or similar event anytime soon?

i saved up just about enough cp to get the mythic ghost…… but i don't want to spend all of it in just one character because i can get at least 3 legendary guns from the partial draws i have already spent on with that cp.

will there be a cp rebate event to claim the cp spent , or a cp vault event anytime soon? mythic ghost is leaving in around 30 days, so if there is no event like that then i will go for it, if there may be an event then I will wait… what do you guys think is a smart decision?

p.s. i already have cp so please don't recommend not spending money on a game :p.
spending on a game is like spending on movies, both are digital and both are temporary, you pay for the experience it is not an investment.

ignore caps and punctuations cause my shift key is broken


  1. Icy-Ask1750

    Get mythic weapons or legendarys which u like as u already bought mythic ghost u can max him out later also and double cp or cp rebate might come later during Christmas

  2. Least_Hat_4656

    Double co is usually around Christmas and ghost will be gone for a long time so I recommend buying now

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