
Anything harder than this tutorial?

Anything harder than this tutorial?


  1. psimonkane

    Nope, god damn J turn. i Havnt played this game in decades and im still mad!!!

  2. Leveling_-Up

    One of the best PS1 games once you got past that point.

  3. Fancy-Pair

    This used up my patience for souls like games

  4. No_Examination2318

    This tutorial still gives me nightmares

  5. Confident_Umpire6290

    Tutorial was hell and i was young so harder. I think if i tried today it would be fine haha but once you past the tutorial the game begin and damn it was epic.

  6. Odd_Comfortable647

    That game was so good. My friends would all come over after practice and we’d take turns doing missions.

  7. ToppleToes

    The first ever game I played. I didn’t know what slalom was and it was so frustrating

  8. mattahorn

    I never had any trouble with the tutorial when I played this as a teenager. The only difficult part was my dumbass not knowing what Siloam meant

  9. WillPill_

    Lol that tutorial is where 8 yr old me learned the word slalom. I was stuck in that garage for days 🤣

  10. hidden_secret

    I’ve heard the Cuphead tutorial had even a man professionally paid for his prolific knowledge of video games be stuck =)

  11. Yes. Driver 2, the mission where you need to chase an ambulance

  12. Rhopunzel

    The only thing hard about it was figuring out wtf slalom meant

  13. Alestor_vs

    i didnt even know wtf a slalom was! some tutorial, did not teach anything at all

  14. Houndfell

    Dude, ***the final level*** in this…. *game*. OH MY GOD.

    It was the first and only time in my entire life I got mad enough to break a gaming disc.

  15. Mammalanimal

    The Witcher 2 tutorial was unnecessarily hard.

  16. kira_mcs117

    God core memory unlocked my older sister and my fun uncle got this game the day after I was told I couldn’t PLAY video games for a month. on like day 28 they got out of the garage but after watching them struggle bus for a month and lay down the ground work for what order to do the list in and the route to do it I felt like a god damn king when I did it on the first try. We then promptly put it away and went back to playing tekken tag tournament

  17. MikeHawkSlapsHard

    I don’t know how I got through that as a kid lol I wonder if they tested that shit. Who am I kidding, of course they didn’t 😂

  18. RamuneGaming

    To this day I have still not progressed further than the tutorial xD

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