Call of Duty: Zombies

I dOnT lIkE tHe bO3 sToRy ItS tOo WeIrD, bEcAuSe AlIeNs

I dOnT lIkE tHe bO3 sToRy ItS tOo WeIrD, bEcAuSe AlIeNs


  1. Relative-Eye6944

    I used to think it got too weird but I think I just got older and stopped keeping up with the story on a deeper level making the things I did see seem more complicated

  2. SniffmyBread

    I don’t think it’s to weird, I just think it was a stupid route* to go

  3. Honky-Balaam

    zielinski era was not “just as weird” sorry

  4. Maximum_Impressive


    It was different type of wierd

  5. MrRedRice

    i like all eras of the zombies story other than cw and bo6

  6. Ancross333

    I’m more mad that a lot of the intriguing unknowns with fun potential explanations all turned out to just be Dr. Monty

  7. MrDeacle

    Some things are better left vague. BO1 had that X-files mysterious vibe to it because they kept us fairly in the dark. Very within the whole theme of “black ops”, making you cooperate with what you do and do not *need to know* to complete your mission. Yes there were most definitely aliens but what that actually *meant* in the greater scheme of things was left to the imagination. But theorizer nerds just have to *KNOW* absolutely goddamn everything, like it’s a damn Marvel comicbook with deep lore to explain the texture of Spiderman’s taint. You don’t need all that convoluted shit, it ruins the mystique. Weird is good, just don’t overcomplicate it— don’t over-explain it.

    Reminds me of how Stranger things would’ve been a nearly perfect show it they ended it at season 1. Or what’s been done to the Alien franchise— or now that I think about it virtually every horror franchise. The unknown is scarier than the known.

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