
Ubisoft, why are you like this? Who hurt you?

Ubisoft, why are you like this? Who hurt you?


  1. Ha_eflolli

    It took me a moment to understand what’s so bad about this, but then it clicked; and yeah that’s pretty scummy.

    For those blanking at this too, it’s basically saying >!”I hereby acknowledge that I lose my right for a refund by starting this download”!<

  2. dont_trust_the_popo

    Theirs a reason their about to go bankrupt

  3. psimonkane

    cant you just withdraw from the right to withdraw contract and THEN withdraw from the contract? is there a right to withdraw from the right to withdraw?

  4. As long as you buy products under these terms they will continue.

    Your sole recourse as a consumer is to stop patronizing companies with these policies. That’s it. So if you bought it, you are the problem – not Ubisoft.

  5. Reapellaino2011

    and then people acts surprised when people prefers steam

  6. xabungle

    what game was this on or is it all of them now

  7. Lol try it in Australia. Consumer protection made steam back down

  8. Orange_Monstar

    Stop using their shit? Lmao if you click “accept and continue” it is YOU! that is the problem.

  9. GozuLoulou

    Every digital game service does this: Steam, Nintendo, Sony so what’s the problem ? Is this just some Ubisoft bashing train?

  10. LoneRedditor123

    Everyone hurt them apparently.

    They’ve been making pretty MEH games for close to a decade now, and they refuse to learn their lesson. They’re gonna keep penny pinching and cutting corners until they go out of business at this rate.

  11. Not2killing

    glad I stopped playing ubisoft games but sad to see whats become of it

  12. Asher_Tye

    And THIS is why I don’t like Ubisoft. Something tangibly wrong

  13. Frosty252

    it’s kinda crazy how ubisoft is still in business, despite making some of the most mediocre games and terrible decisions.

  14. mrchicano209

    Ubisoft played with fire and now the state of California made it so they now have to be open and honest about what happens when you give them your money.

  15. drivermcgyver

    These things are the reason why I don’t play video games anymore. Everything is contracts and microtransactions. Fuck that, I’ll just go outside.

  16. GodzillaUK

    At this point is is ethical to pirate Ubisoft games.

  17. JohnnyJayce

    You most likely downloaded microtransactions or a bundle with them in it. This same is true for Steam games in that regard too. Ubisoft’s site says you have 14 days to refund if you have played less than 2 hours. BUT

    >When you purchase digital products which are supplied to you immediately after purchase without any action required on your side, you accept to have immediate access to the content and to waive your right of withdrawal. Therefore, the purchase of the following products is final and they are **not eligible** for a refund:

    Consumables (e.g. time saver packs for Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag)Downloadable content (e.g. expansions, Season Pass, Year Pass)
    In-game currency
    Purchases from our **in-game stores**

    This is the same in every store. For example Throne and Liberty that just released it’s EA on Steam tells you this if you buy the 40 euro version.

    EDIT: Some DLC’s you can refund on Steam. I tried with Monster Hunter World: Iceborne which you could. But Diablo 4 Vessel of Hatred you can not.

  18. OfficialGarwood

    This is not legally enforceable in the EU and the UK btw.

  19. MajesticRat

    Unless we start voting with our wallets and stop buying games that have this clause, it’s just going to become another normalised part of buying games that we mindlessly agree to.

  20. eralebus

    I don’t have this problem when I get my games from the high seas.

  21. DanDin87

    ??? isn’t it the same on PS store? When I buy a game it tells me that as soon as I start the download, I will not be able to refund it.

  22. You idiots are still buying Ubisoft games? 


  23. YouveBeanReported

    How are they posting this and not linking the contract? Shouldn’t you need to be able to read the fucking TOS?

  24. zanghfei

    I remember long time ago that ubisoft once said once you’re AFK for x amount of year they will close your account and you’ll lose all your game without a warning.

  25. Player: “Ubisoft why are you like this?”

    Also Player: buying every single fucking game

    The problem is on you (generic player, not OP) who accept this terms, as long as you do they have no reason to change.

  26. Schnorch

    This is a good example of what is going wrong in this sub. It feels like 80% of the posts are now just “Ubisoft bad” and a good part of them with bullshit like this.

    Why bullshit? Because this is common practice everywhere with digital goods and nothing that Ubisoft has invented. Yes, even the saints at Steam do it. Check it out the next time you buy a game there and read the small print.

  27. Let this POS company die. There is one rule that I feel most gamers understand if they want to get value for their dollar: never buy Ubisoft.

  28. Team_Svitko

    I think, just for me, the biggest reason why I stopped playing Ubisoft games is because I’ve already bought the ones I wanted. I don’t really care anymore; nothing they sell is worth it anymore.

    I haven’t bought an Assassin’s Creed since Syndicate, and I haven’t played Far Cry 6, played all the splinter cells, don’t care about rabbids, never touched Legion

  29. Revolutionary-Ad7846

    Never using anything related to ubisoft

  30. I’ve got a good few ubi classics in my steam library. Sometimes I download Settlers and I’m like YEH. Then… I start on the game and I am greeted by the Ubi crap. I hate them so so much

  31. Ghost403

    Yeah, that’s borderline illegal in Australia.

  32. Elegant_Spot_3486

    Who hurt them? You’re posting it. They don’t care.

  33. TemperateStone

    Give the EU some time. It’s being worked on.

  34. ShadyDrunks

    Yeah the UCC is going to have a problem with that lmao, there needs to be a lawsuit

  35. BagSmooth3503

    Who even still plays Ubisoft games these days? What’s wrong with you?

  36. DarthAsriel

    This is why I don’t buy digital on consoles.

  37. SilverFlight01

    “Get comfortable with not owning your games”

    – Ubisoft

    Yes that is a real quote

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