Call of Duty: Zombies

Thoughts on Call of the Dead?

Personally my favorite Black ops 1 map


  1. Catsrthebest2

    Great map with one of my favorite wonder weapons ever. Fun Easter Egg.

  2. Firecracker210

    Unpopular opinion, but call of the dead, even with no traps is easily a top 5 map. Yes the Easter egg can be done in 5 minutes, yes the scavenger MY LOVE falls off quicker than a fat kid off a cliff tied to a boulder after a large lunch, but the map is just so unique. The longer you play it, the more you pick up on details not explicitly told by the map.

    It’s a slave ship that crashed into an ice berg, the crew abandoned the ship and the slaves were left to die/turn into zombies. But little did these zombies know that DANNY FUCKING TREJO WOULD COME TO SAVE THE DAY, YET AGAIN.

    Black ops 1 in general, was leagues ahead in atmosphere and unique settings. Look at the line up, we had a theater, the pentagon, a Soviet Cosmodrome/space facility, CoTD, Shang ri la and moon. It was unlike anything we experienced at the time.

  3. It’s a straight up certified classic

    It is one of the most difficult maps to high round to this day.

    The BO3 custom remastered version is even more fun

  4. ThunderBuns935

    My least favorite map in any zombies game that I’ve played. I *hate* call of the dead.

  5. khai115_2

    I personally never vibed with this map. I never really understood the praise for George as a miniboss. Without the VR11, he really limits the ways to play the map, or maybe because my preferred style of play is to holdout an area. I also never really liked maps where there are one way lanes, where you can’t go back once you dropped down and have to go a whole round back. Call of the Dead is not the worst offender of this but its something why I like Tag der Toten much more than the original.

  6. Subject_D

    I love the map but I was never fond of George’s mechanics. He just becomes annoying instead of scary.

  7. the fact it has a coop focused WW is a massive W. Top 5 map just for that alone

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