Call of Duty: Zombies

Not sure what this means but I came across it while playing Shadows (Maybe something to do with the super EE?)

On one of the signs above the footlight district the words “The missing City” there seems to be blinking lights on the following letters at first I didn’t think anything of it but upon looking closer the letters are as follows (“tHe mIssiNg ciTy) which spells out “HINT” not sure if the lights are blinking in morse code or anything like that as I’m not familiar with it enough but definitely something interesting. Let me know what you all think or if anyone has already saw this

1 Comment

  1. Hoonly__

    I’m not sure about that one, cool find btw. I know glitching queen was looking into the blinking lights a while back. It’s been a while, though and I can’t remember if this was one she talked about

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