Cyberpunk 2077

Johny’s radical way

Johny’s radical way


  1. Hillenmane

    Who even says that

    I play Piano and I own a .44mag lol.

  2. Markov219

    Buddy of mine was an autorifleman and he brought his bass guitar to Iraq with him.

  3. Proton_Optimal

    “A guys who plays an instrument has an impressive cock.”

  4. otte_rthe_viewer

    My sorry ass who can play the piano.

    *Pulls out M1911.*

    You ma’am… Is incorrect.

  5. aclark210

    Several musicians throughout history have been gun owners. This is just blatantly false.

  6. Jakov_Salinsky

    Just totally ignoring country singers

  7. That’s a stupid effing take. One has nothing to do with the other.

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