We’ve wished for more for at least the last 2 generations

We’ve wished for more for at least the last 2 generations


  1. Lastdudealive46

    GDDR7 can have 3GB chips, so we can have 24GB over a 256-bit bus like the 5080 is rumored to have (and would also give a 5090-Ti 48GB).

  2. SirHomoLiberus

    Nvidia: Want Vram? Buy our 5090 for the low price of 3000$…oh but from a scalper cause we’re out of stock.

  3. T0mmyN0ble

    24 gb on the 3090 don’t imagine I’ll be upgrading anytime soon

  4. Dudi4PoLFr

    From the latest leaks, they will release a 24GB version of 5080 with the new 3GB GDDR7 chips that should be available later next year.

  5. Wild-Cow8724

    You think the 5080 be less powerful than the 4090?

  6. DianKali

    The worst part about this is that the 5070 will most likely have 12gb.

  7. Sunwolf7

    It’s kinda shit because there is no reason a game should need more than 10GB at 4k but the new consoles made the devs lazy.

  8. splendiferous-finch_

    Vram is probably the reason I am going to end up with a amd build ( I need it for AI stuff)

    I just don’t understand why Nvidia is like this about vram is it just an upsell thing ?

  9. Visible-Cancel1239

    these mofuckers gonna release another series with less than 16gb xDDDDDDDDDDDDD

    the laptop 5080 is gonna have 12gb xD

    holy fucking shit i guess il wait till nvidia 8000

    edit: maybe its good to have a 12gb 5070, otherwise we will have minimum16gb requirements cause the mofuckers aint optimizing no more

  10. MtSuribachi

    Meanwhile here I am with rituals to keep my card going because I have bills

  11. Terminatroll-_-

    AMD gpus are looking better and better

  12. tankersss

    If it’s priced at $500 than it will be on par with 7800xt/7900GRE

  13. shadowds

    Then he say that be $1500 sir, now if opt to buy our super Ti edition we give you 20GB VRAM, only 10% more performance only extra $500 hot deal I say.

  14. Laxlord007

    Just buy the card with more vram… have you tried not being poor?

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