U gotta be absolutely fucking shitting me how the hell does this even happen oh my lord.

U gotta be absolutely fucking shitting me how the hell does this even happen oh my lord.


  1. Rockybroo_YT

    Meh, just a few more games tbh. Just one most likely.

  2. Real_Student_406

    Happens to me every season tbh. And then you lose the next 3 matches. Like the game wants to frustrate you intentionally

  3. Logan_Pauler

    You must be very close to getting the 6 tokens for claiming the LST crate and the game decided to make it extra hard for you.

  4. Omnomnomnivirus

    Shit happens. This is the nth post ranting about bad luck when ranking up 😆

  5. Bro this is exactly what was happening before I joined this 5 man then they gave me a boost lol

  6. haronclv

    I don’t get why people get so excited when are going to make legendary 😄 It’s really simple to make it. Lets compare it to the Counter Strike terminology: It’s as easy as make gold in CS GO 😀

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