Clint Basinger aka LGR won’t be making videos for a while due to damage to his house from the hurricane

Clint Basinger aka LGR won’t be making videos for a while due to damage to his house from the hurricane


  1. thrownawayzsss

    no idea who this is, but GL to them. Hope they can get everything settled back in after it clears.

  2. Byokugen

    He’s a great dude.
    I know he’ll be fine
    *Let’s go thrifting*

  3. Sa7aSa7a

    Man, that sucks. He has such great content and a lot of older tech. Probably will lose quite a bit of it if it’s done a lot of damage to his house. Glad to hear he’s okay though and hope it’s not as long as he thinks.

  4. Taikunman

    I watch this channel occasionally and he always did really great deep dives on older PC games from my childhood.

    Hope he gets back on his feet soon.

  5. LadBooboo

    Best wishes, Clint! Take your time. We’ll be here when you’re back!

  6. PetroMan43

    I hope he’s okay and more importantly, I hope his pc collection is doing okay. Just kidding but I know how much his collection means to him

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