
For democracy

For democracy


  1. NegativeKarmaFarmar

    It’s probably because I tried it solo, but that game is crazy overrated.

  2. ParappaTheWrapperr

    I enjoyed what I played of it but there’s not enough substance there for it to be a long life game. Hopefully HD3 is more akin to a destiny or Mass Effect MMO. Each hell divers has been a different genre so it seems like a natural progression

  3. Dynamitrios

    Bought it a few days ago… Best 31 bucks I’ve spent in a while… It’s great for some quick matches, if you don’t have/want anything else to play… Very entertaining

  4. Brazuka_txt

    For me at least, it gets very repetitive, got burnt out of it

  5. reboot-your-computer

    I stopped playing back in April. I got tired of the nerfs and the devs never addressing bug fixes. I’m glad they made the game better but I’ve long moved on at this point.

  6. Have they buffed all the guns so that everything is usable? Is every Stratagem usable?

  7. DawnCrusader4213

    Sony can get fucked.

    HD2 availability is still dogshit.

  8. dystopian_axolotl

    If they get rid of the kernel level spyware, maybe

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