Call of Duty: Zombies

Say something nice/something you like about TranZit.

Say something nice/something you like about TranZit.


  1. DrJagCobra4

    I love Tranzit actually. A lot of people hate it but I have so many memories from my brothers, friends and me playing it. I love it it was a cool idea. I found out people hate it (YouTube videos trashing it) then asked Reddit.

  2. SniffmyBread

    Me and the boys playing split screen and going absolutely crazy when we made it to round 7

  3. Lilmachinima1

    It was crazy innovative and had an amazing premise

  4. Lost_Objective_1448

    Taking the bus is a fun way to move around the map and gives players a breather mid round

  5. garlic_bread69420

    Misty and Marlton are good characters

  6. NoMoreGoldPlz

    You hate this map if you’re a YouTube Influencer.

    Otherwise you just play it once in a while and have fun while you’re at it.

  7. eX0dus_5ive-Zer0

    Atmosphere and the chaotic moments you and the boiz can get into.

  8. Slight-Area-6544

    i didn’t see anything bad with the map, it’s my favorite map actually in black ops 2.

  9. 02-Stunna

    While it is an objectively bad map, I do have good memories of coming home from school and hopping on tranzit with the boys. Opening pack a punch was such a pain in the ass that I can remember the first time we succeeded.

  10. WeirdButCooliGuess

    I really like the characters of the victis crew. They felt like real random people who found each other in the apocalypse. Their interactions and comments with each other and the surrounding situation was really intriguing. Really hope we see them again.

    I actually like tranzit quite a bit. The only truly bad aspect is pack a punch on that map in my opinion

  11. Thin_Corner6028

    Although I agree that this is not a ‘good’ map, mainly due to the limitations of technology at the time(Xbox 360 and ps3), transit was super fun with friends and made a lot of great memories

  12. M1sguidedS0n

    Idk about Tranzit personally, but Town is a fun survival map.

  13. ReDeMpTiOn-_-121

    I actually love this map. I love the characters, how different it is too every other map, I like the idea of upgrading the bus, I like the fog and the lava as it brings a sort of risk/reward system by rewarding you for knowing how to traverse the fog and get to the bank and jug before the bus.

    My one and only complaint is how spread apart the perks are and how risky each perk location is. The moment you get your first down, you might aswell give up because if your not near town or bus depot your dead without jug, quick revive and stamin-up.

  14. ChernobylFirefighter

    They really nailed the post apocalyptic setting, and while not all the innovations turned out to be good, we can still appreciate the fact that they really tried hard

  15. Due-Astronomer-386

    First time buildables were a thing, first time there was map wide transportation that didn’t come from teleporters. I can’t emphasize it enough either, I fucking *love* those shortcuts you can take if you run through the fog— and galva-knuckles make the Denizens a cake walk along with Stamin-Up. And even though the fog was overall dogshit, I like that they utilized it to put weapon parts/hidden points of interest in there.

  16. Local_FPS

    The stuff hidden in the fog, like the shortcuts to town, the huntsman’s cabin etc.

  17. Bus route B exist F anyone who says otherwise. I’ll keep looking 😭

  18. Majestic_Green_5194

    The pause screen after I get to round 3 and beat my beat to denizen hands on my face

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