Almost at 1 Million Credits… What Happens Next? 🤔

So, after grinding since 2019, I’m about 19k credits shy of the magical 1 million mark in CoD Mobile. It’s been a long road, full of battle passes, event grinds, and… well, a lot of unused credits.

But here’s the thing: plenty of players have already hit 1 million credits, so what’s the big deal? Do I join some exclusive millionaire’s club where we all gather around and laugh at the thought of ever spending them? Or maybe, just maybe, I get a secret in-game reward—like a title that reads, “Collector of Useless Wealth,” and a pat on the back from the devs?

The real question is: What’s next? Do I keep playing, knowing I’ve hoarded more credits than I could ever spend in-game? Or is it time to hang it up and enjoy my mountain of digital wealth, like some CoD Mobile Scrooge McDuck, diving into a vault of unused currency?

For those of you who’ve hit the million mark or are on your way there, what are your plans? Keep grinding? Start spending? Or just let the credits pile up for eternity? Let me know if this is the beginning of my “retirement” or if the real game begins at 1 million.


  1. Spend it all on epic credit crates🎰🎰🤑🤑🤑🤑

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